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2021-01-19 10:21 北京新航道  





  1. How often do you watch television? [Why/Why not?]

  Well, quite often. Look, people call me couch potato, because I sit in couch, watch TV and eat potato chips. Watching TV is a big part in my life. It gives me a lot of fun and makes me enjoy my life.

  No, I seldom watch TV, because I believe watching TV is no different from slow suicide. It’s just a waste of my precious time. I must live very single minute to the fullest.

  2. Which television channel do you usually watch? [Why?]

  Like I said, I love watching TV programs, all kinds of them, so there is no particular channel I would fix on. Sometimes I just enjoy channel surfing for no reason.

  Well, I would only watch news channels. I believe they’re the only channels worth watching, because I can get updated of the latest happenings in China and around the world.

  3. Do you enjoy the advertisements on television? [Why/Why not?]

  No. I totally hate it. It makes me sick. Think about it, how could you like it when they insert ads in your favorite TV show? It’s totally unacceptable. Plus most of the ads either are misleading or appear to exaggerate the effects of their product. They just want to get money out of your pocket. They are mercenary profiteers. Anyway, I don’t like advertisements.

  Well, I’d like to say yes, because there are some ads that are truly artistic and with high aesthetic values, but the rest are just full of misleading and exaggerated information, even violent or sexually explicit contents to appeal to people’s eyes. So my final verdict is“no”.

  4. Do you think most programmes on television are good? [Why/Why not?]

  Well, I guess yes. Most TV programs in China are generally“good”, so to speak, since the TV and Radio Administrative Authority really does their job of“censoring”the unwanted contents. So don’t worry. You would have to go overseas to watch those“bad”TV programs, like CNN and other stuff.

  I’m not really sure, because I’ve deliberately refrained from watching TV for many years. But I trust most TV programs are good since the majority of people still love spending their prime time at night on watching TV.


  2. 考生可在回答中使用的实用词汇

  1. How often do you watch television? [Why/Why not?]

  very often, frequently, rarely, seldom, from time to time, once in a while, spare time, weekend, holiday, TV show/program, selective, for fun, relax.

  2. Which television channel do you usually watch? [Why?]

  vary from people to people, news channel, documentary channel, entertainment channel, movie channel, music channel, opera channel, channel surfing, fix on, get updated.

  3. Do you enjoy the advertisements on television? [Why/Why not?]

  ad, commercial, promote, advertise, propagate, spread, hate, dislike, be disgusted, nasty, odious, misleading, deceiving, bluff, violence, discretion advised, artistic, content rich, inspiring.

  4. Do you think most programmes on television are good? [Why/Why not?]

  contents of the TV programs, properly censored, administrative authority, violent, sexually explicit, vulgar, general public, appreciate, aesthetic.

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