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2021-01-18 10:17 北京新航道  


  剑8雅思写作题目+范文Test4Task2:In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.

  What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?




  1. 导致体重增加的两个主要原因清晰明了,与食物和运动有关。切忌在一些特殊的、只影 响少数人群的医疗条件方面花费太多时间。

  2. 可描述多种解决办法。力求描述现实性的、适合大多数人的解决办法。描述时要具体, 换言之,切忌仅仅表达说政府应该做些什么。


  这篇作文需要一个简短介绍和简要的结论。正文应有两个或五个段落,三个或四个。 简单的格式是一段描述原因,然后列举两个或三个解决办法(各自成段)。有些作者会关注 反方观点、存在问题或解决办法。


  两篇观点不同的参考范文(250字—300字) 参考范文 1

  Some countries are experiencing a situation where their citizens are becoming heavier and also less fit and healthy. The causes of this are clear, but there are many possible solutions. I shall look at the causes and a couple of possible solutions in this essay.

  In almost all cases, the causes of increased weight are diet and/or lack of exercise. If a person eats more calories than they use, they gain weight. If they do not exercise enough, this weight gain will be fat and too much fat causes health problems. The solutions, therefore, are simple enough – convince people to consume fewer calories and/or exercise more.

  This is easier said than done. Nowadays, more and more people have access to more and more food. Many people prefer food that is high in calories – perhaps because they think it tastes better or perhaps because it is faster or more convenient. One way of getting them to eat fewer calories might be to show them tastier dishes quickly prepared using lower calorie

  Another solution is to get people to exercise more, so that eating more calories is less of a problem. This could be done by making keeping fit less costly and easier to participate in. Financing sports and exercise facilities could be costly, but there could be long term savings if people are healthier as a result. If neighbourhoods had sports and exercise facilities, people would be able to use them more often.

  In conclusion, there are two main causes of weight increase and there are several possible solutions to this and to declining levels of health and fitness.

  (269 words)

  参考范文 2

  In this essay, I shall look at why the average weight of people in some countries is increasing at the same time that their health and fitness is decreasing.

  The reasons why people increase in weight are well known – higher calorie intake and less exercise. In turn, these factors cause people to become less fit and healthy. People may be eating more because they have more high-calorie food available. Less exercise may be due to the increased use of cars and less participation in sports and exercise activities. Whatever the reasons, many countries where the average weight of citizens is increasing are looking for solutions.

  Some nutritionists have suggested that processed foods are particularly likely to cause people to gain weight. To encourage people to eat less of this kind of food, perhaps the government could increase tax on it. This should encourage people to eat cheaper, healthier alternatives. This kind of thing is already done in most countries with two other things that are considered unhealthy – tobacco and alcohol.

  Another possibility is to have a campaign to get people to exercise more. It may be possible to use famous people and various forms of media to do this – the Internet, television, radio, billboards and flyers. The idea is that if people are given more information about healthy lifestyles, they will be more likely to take notice and follow the suggestions.

  To summarise, the causes of this problem are clear. The possible solutions to declining levels of health and fitness are numerous and depend on decision-makers.

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