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2021-06-25 10:53 北京新航道  


  Good momning. Today I'd like to present the findings of our Year 2 project on wildlife foundin gardens throughout our city. I'll start by saying something about the background to theproject, then talk a litle bit about our rsearch technqnues, and then indicate some of ourinterim findings.

  First of all, how did we choose our topic? Well, there are four of us in the group and oneday while we were discussing a possible focus, twa .of the _group mentioned that they hadseen yet mora sparow-hawks = one .of Britain's most interesting birds _of prey - jin thairown city centre. gardens and wondered why they were tuming up in these gardens ingreat numbers. We were all very engaged by the idea of why wlld animals would chooseto inhabit a dity garden. Why is it so popular with wildie when the countryside itselfl isbecoming less so?

  The first thing we did was to establish what proportion of the urban land is taken up byprivate gardens. We estimated that it was about one fifth, and this was endorsed bylooking .at lage: scale _usage maps in 1he Lown land survey offce - 24% to be precise,Our own informal discussions with neighbours and friends led us to belleve that many

  gardien owners had interesting experiences to relate regarding wild animal sightings s0 wedecided to survey gaden owners from different areas of the city. Jlusl ower 100 of themcompleted a survey _once every tWQ .weeks for fwelve months ficking of species theyhad seen from a pro fomma listL = and adding the names of any rarer ones. Mearwhile, wewere doing our own observations in selected gardens throughout the city. We deliberatelychose smaller ones becausa they were by far the most typical in tha sily. Tha whole point,of the project was .to look .at ,the norm not the gaxcaption. Alongside this primary researchon urban gardens, we were studying a Lot _0f books about the decline _of willd animals .in thecauniysde and thinking of possible causes for this.

  So what did we find? Well, so much that I just won't have time to tell you about here. Ilfyou re interested in reading our more comprehensive findings, we've produced detalled graphic reresentatins on the ollege web-site and of course any of the group would behappy to talk to you about them. Just email us.

  What we've decided to present today is infomation about just three spedies = because Wefelt these gave且g00d indication of the processes at work in rural and urban sattings a awthole.

  The first species 10 generate a lot of interesting information was frogs. And there was aclear pattem here - they prolferate where there is suitable water. Garden ponds are on theincrease, rural ponds are disappearing. leading to massive migration to the towns.

  Hedgehogs are also finding it essier to Ive In urban areas - this time because their

  predaors are not findling it quite s0 attractive to leave their rural environment 39

  hedgehogs have且better survival rate in cities. We had lots of slghtings, so all in all we hadn0 difiulies with our ffots to count their numbers precisely.

  Our final species is the finest of bird singers, the song thrush. On the decline in the

  countryside, they are experiencing a resurgence in urban gardens because these daysgardeners are buying lots of dfferent plants which means there's an extenaive range of8eds around, which is what they feed n. Another factor is the provision of nesting places- which is actually better in gardens than the countryslde, Hard to believe it, but it's true.incidentally. we discovered that a masive new survey on song thrushes is about to belaunched, so you should keep an eye open for that.

  Now, I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have ....







  31 -36题是非常经典的单选题。考生在录音前需要先找出题干中的定位词,并迅速浏览选项中的核心表达,尽可能在录音前划出每个选项中的特殊表达,为录音中出现的同义替换做准备。



  31. C 录音中在介绍完背景信息后.由一句First of all,how did we choose our topic?可以预测答案即将出现。三个选项的核心表达分别是decline of one species,effects of city growth和a recent phenomenon,但它们均未在录音原文中出现。由 ... they had seen yet more sparrow-hawks ... in their own city centre gardens and wondered why they were turning up in these gardens in great numbers可知,录音讲的是越来越多的雀鹰出现在市中心的花园中,并且是大量地出现,所以谈的是雀鹰增多这一现象而非某种物种数量的下降或者是城市扩张的影响,所以答案应选C。

  32. A 该题三个选项完全独立,考生先通过 ... what proportion of the urban land ...定位题干的出现。然后录音中说到 … this was endorsed by looking at large-scale usage maps in the town land survey office ... 可知确定宅园的准确占地面积要参照来自城镇土地调查办 公室的大规模使用图,即A(参考一些官方文件),而非B (大规模拍照)或C(与城镇测量员讨论)。该题的难点在于录音涉及了三个选项中的核心单词,容易迷惑考生。

  33. B 考生先通过 … so we decided to survey garden owners from different areas …来定位本题答案即将出现。接下来的 ... over 100 of them completed a survey once every two weeks for twelve months — ticking off species they had seen from a pro forma list ... 正与B(记录所见的动物)的意思一致,其中tick off意思为“列举,简要地描述”。

  34. B 在33题答案之后,录音中很快出现 ... we were doing our own observations in selected gardens ... 其中的observations正好与本题题干中的定位词一致。之后录音中说到We deliberately chose smaller ones because they were by far the most typical in the city., 其中的typical与B选项中的representative做同义替换,都表示“具有代表性,典型的”之意,所以正确答案为B。

  35. A 该题难度稍大,因为他并未像之前的题目一样在录音中就可以找到题干中的定位词。但录音中的 ... we were studying a lot of books ... 即“研读大量书籍”与题干“广泛阅读”的信息对等,则考生据此可以定位到答案所在句,紧接着录音读到 ... about the decline of wild animals in the countryside ...,即为A。其中wildlife与 wild animals意思对等,rural areas与countryside意思对等。

  36. C 该题的定位很明显,因为题干中有three animal species,所以当录音读到We’ve decided to present today is information about just three species because ... 时考生可迅速联想到题干,并且录音中的because也提示考生接下来就是答案。只要考生听到 ... because ... could be good indication of ... 就可以判断出它指的就是C中的 indicated。

  37. frog/frogs 本题难度较小,因为录音开始就谈到The first species that generated a lot of interesting information was frogs.只要考生听到The first species ... was frogs就能很轻松地找到“青蛙”这个答案。

  38. predators 该题的定位词为hedgehogs和safer from,当录音中提到Hedgehogs are also finding it easier to live ... 时,考生应意识到答案应该就在接下来的句子里,接下来一句this time because their predators are not finding it quite so attractive to leave their rural environment ... 意思是“这次因为它们的天敌(捕食者)并不愿意离开它们生存的农村环境,所以刺猬这样就免于受到天敌的攻击,而更易于在城市中生存”。其中safe from意为“免于受到……的危害”。该读音材料是英式发音,而predator的美式和美式发音差别较大,考生需要注意。

  39. count 在38题答案之后紧接着出现了 … so all in all, we had no difficulties with our efforts to count their numbers precisely. 本句中的no difficulties与题干中的easy同义, precisely与题干中的accurately同义。此外,考生只要抓住to后面的动词,也可以找到答案的位置。

  40. seed/seeds 该题相对前面的题目难度较低。该题的定位词是song thrushes和a variety of,所以考生要尽量去听表示“多样性”和“大量”的录音内容。根据录音中的 ... which means there is an extensive range of seeds around ... 可知答案为 seed/seeds。

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