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2021-01-15 09:27 北京新航道  





  1. 运输的货物数量增长是因四种方式运输共同引起的。

  2. 分别描述每条线路——不要对每年的数字进行比较。

3. 描述所有的变化会让文章篇幅过长,所以有必要概而论之。但是需突出其中变化较为显著的。


  介绍部分应该把题目用自己的话重写一遍。正文应该分段描述每种运输方式。各段可以任 意顺序排列,但是要具有逻辑性,比如 :从最常用到最不常用。最后应该有一个简短的结 论,指出运输货物增长的数量。



  The line chart shows how many million tonnes of goods were transported in the UK between1974 and 2002.

  The quantity of goods transported by road was 70 million tonnes in 1974. By 1995, this had risen to 80 million tonnes. There was a sharp rise to 95 million tonnes in 1999, with a slight rise thereafter.

  The quantity of goods transported by water remained at about 40 million tonnes between 1974 and 1978. Then there was a great increase to almost 60 million tonnes by 1982. This level remained for over a decade, but in the 1990s there was a decrease to about 50 million tonnes in 1998. There was a big increase to 65 million tonnes in 2002.

  The quantity of goods transported by rail gradually fell from 40 million tonnes in 1974 to less than 30 million tonnes in 1995. By 1999, the quantity was at 40 million tonnes again and increased slightly by 2002.

  In 1974, the quantity of goods transported by pipeline was 5 million tonnes. By 1981, this had tripled. For over a decade this increased slightly, but by 1995 the amount had risen to over 20 million tonnes, after which there was no change.

  In summary, the quantity of goods transported increased, especially after 1999. (212 words)


  以下线形图表明了 1974 年至 2002 年,英国运输的货物有几百万吨。

  1974年,公路运输的货物数量达到 7 千万吨。截止到 1995 年,货物数量已上涨到 8 千万吨。1999 年,货物数量突涨到 9 千 5 百万吨,此后涨幅平缓。

  1974至1978 年间,水路运输的货物数量保持在 4 千万吨。此后到1982 年,货物数量增长至近6千万吨。这个水平持续了十几年,但是在20世纪90年代货物数量锐减,1998年减至5千万吨。2002年又大幅上涨,达6千5百万吨。

  1974年,铁路运输的货物数量为4千万吨,之后逐步锐减至1995年的不到3千万吨。 截止到 1999 年,货物数量重新升至 4 千万吨,到2002 年,货物数量平缓上涨。

  1974年,管道运输的货物数量为5百万吨。截止到1981年,货物数量翻了三番。十几 年间,货物数量平缓增长,但到1995 年,货物数量上涨至2千万吨,此后无任何变化。

  总体来讲,货物运输数量有所增长,特别是在 1999 年之后。

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