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剑桥雅思8阅读:Test3雅思阅读PASSAGE 1真题+答案+解析

2020-12-24 09:53 北京新航道  


  You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on ReadingPassage 1 below.

  Striking Back at Lightning

  With Lasers

  Seldom is the weather more dramatic than when thunderstorms srike. Their eletrial fury ;inlicts, death or serious injury on around 500 people each year in the United States alone, As thedouds roll in, a leisurely round of golf can become a trriling dice with death - out in the open,a lone golfer may be a lightning bolt's most inviting target. And there is damage to propertytoo. Lightning damage costs American power companies more than $100 illion a year.

  But researhers in the United States and Japan are planning to hit back. Already in laboratorytrials they have tested strategies for neutralising the power of thunderstorms, and this winterthey will brave real storms, equipped with an armoury of lasers that they will be pointingtowards the heavens to discharge thunderdoud before lightning can strike.

  The idea of forcing storm dlouds to discharge their lightning on command is not new. In theearly 1960s, researchers tried firing rockets trailing wires into thundercdouds to set up aneasy discharge path for the huge electric charges that these douds generate. The techniquesurvives to this day at a test site in Florida run by the University of Florida, with supportfrom the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), based in California. EPRI, which is

  funded by power companies, is looking at ways to protect the United States' power grid fromlightning strikes. "We can cause the lightning to strike where we want it to using rockets,' saysRalph Bernstein, manager of lightning projects at EPRI. The rocket site is providing precisemeasurements of lightning voltages and alowing engineers to check how electrial equipmentbears up.

  Bad behaviour

  But while rockets are fine for research, they cannot provide the protetion from lightningstrikes that everyone is looking for. The rockets cost around $1,200 each, an only be firedat a limited frequency and their failure rate is about 40 per cent. And even when they dotrigger lightning, things still do not always go according to plan. 'Lightning is not perfectlywell behaved,' says Bernstein. Occasionally, it will take a branch and go someplace it wasn'tsupposed to go.'

  And anyway, who would want to fire streams of rockets in a populated area? "What goes upmust come down,' points out Jean-Claude Diels of the University of New Mexico. Diels isleading a project, which is backed by EPRI, to try to use lasers to discharge lightning safely

  - and safety is a basic requirement since no one wants to put themselves or their expensive@quipment at risk. With around 50,000 invested $90 far, ส promising system is just emergingfrom the laboratory,

  The idea began some 20 years ago, when high-powered lasers were revealing their ability toextract electrons out of atoms and cTeate ions. If a laser could generate a line of ionisation

  in the air all the way up to a storm cloud, this conducting path could be used to guide

  lightning to Earth, before the electric field becomes strong enough to break down the air in anunontrollble surge. To stop the laser itself being struck, it would not be pointed straight atthe douds. Instead it would be directed at a mirror, and from there into the sky. The mirrorwould be protected by placing lightning conductors dlose by. leally, the doud-zapper (gun)would be cheap enough to be istalled around all key power isallltios and portable enoughto be taken to international sporting events to beam up at brewing storm clouds,

  A stumbling block

  However, there is still a big stumbling block. The laser is no nifty portable: it's a monsterthat takes up a whole room. Diels is trying to cut down the size and says that a laser aroundthe size of a small table is in the ffing. He plans to test this more manageable system on livethunderclouds next summer.

  Bemstein says that Diels's system is attnating lots of interest from the power companies.But they have not yet come up with the $5 million that EPRI says will b needed to develop acommercial system, by making the laser yet smaller and cheaper. "I cannot say I have moneyyet, but l'm working on it," says Bernstein. He reckons that the forthcoming feld tests will bethe turning point - and he's hoping for good news. Bemnstein predicts 'an avalanche of interestand support' if all goes well. He expects to see dloud- zappers eventually costing $50,00 to

  $100,000 each.

  Other scintists could also benefit. With a lightning 'switch'" at their fingertips, materials

  scientists could find out what happens when mighty currents meet matter, Diels also hopes tosee the birth of 'interactive meteorology' . not just forecasting the weather but controlling it.*If we could discharge clouds, we might affect the weather,' he says.

  And perhaps, says Diels, we'll be able to confront some other meteorological menaces. 'Wethink we could prevent hail by inducing lightning." he says. Thunder, the shock wave thatcomes from a lightning flash, .is thought to be the trigger for the tortential rain that is typicalof storms. A laser thunder factory culd shake the moisture out of douds, perhaps preventingthe formation of the giant hailstones that threaten crops. With luck, as the storm douds

  gather this winter, laser-toting rescarchers could, for the first time, strike back.



  在所有的天气中,几乎没有比大雷雨侵袭时更为猛烈的了。每年,仅仅在美国,猛烈的大雷 雨电流就造成大约500人伤亡。当阴云滚滚而来时,野外休闲的高尔夫场地可能会成为令人惶恐的危险之地,孤身一人的高尔夫球手或许会成为闪电之箭最有吸引力的目标。另外,它还会造成财产损失。美国电力公司每年遭受的闪电损失就超过1亿美元。


  让暴雨云乖乖地释放闪电的这个想法并不新鲜。在20世纪60年代初,研究人员尝试向雷 雨云中发射火箭跟踪电线,以建立一条便捷的路径,使这些云层产生的巨大电荷得以释放。在佛罗里达州一个由佛罗里达大学运转的试验场,这项技术沿用至今,并且得到位于加利福利亚州的电力研究所(EPRI)的支持。EPRI 是由电力公司资助的,这一机构正在寻求保护美国电网免于闪电袭击的方法。“我们可以利用火箭使得闪电袭击我们希望它袭击的地方。”EPRI闪电计划经历Ralph Bernstein如是说。火箭试验场为闪电的电压提供精确的测量方法,并且允许工程师 检测电力设备的承受情况。


  火箭易于进行实验,但是这不能为所有需要的人提供免于闪电袭击的保护。一发火箭大约耗费1200 美元,只可以按照有限的频率进行发射,而且发射失败率大约在40%。即便火箭能触发闪电,情况并非总是按照计划来进行。“闪电计划并非完美无缺。” Bernstein说道,“偶尔,闪电也会产生分离,击中预料之外的地方。”

  不管怎么样,谁愿意在人口稠密的区域发射大量火箭呢?“升起来的东西总要落下来。”新 墨西哥大学的Jean-Claude Diels指出。Diels领导着一个由EPRI支持的项目,他试图使用激光来安全地释放闪电,由于没有人愿意将他们自己或者他们昂贵的设备置于危险境地,安全性是一个基本要求。目前这个项目大约已经投入了500,000美元,一套前景无限的系统即将在实验室中诞生。

  这一想法大约开始于20年前,那时高能激光就开始显露出能够从原子中提取电子并创造离子的能力。如果激光能够在空中产生一条通向暴雨云的电离带,在电场强大到以难以控制的电压击空气之前,电离带可以用来将闪电引导到地面。为防止本身被闪电击中,激光将不会直接 指向云层,而是将直接指向一面镜子,并通过镜子指向天空。镜子旁边将放置避雷针来进行保护。理想状况下,云层遥控器(抢)会很便宜,足以在所有重要的电力装置旁进行安装,并且可以携带到国际运动赛事,用来照射酝酿暴风雨的阴云。



  Bernstein说,电力公司对 Diels的系统产生了很大兴趣。EPRI 说需要五百万美元,开发一个商用系统,以研发更小更便宜的激光系统,但电力公司并未将此提上日程。Berstein 说,“我不能说我已经有资金了,但是我正在筹划中。”他认为即将来临的实地测验将是转折点,他希望有 。如果一切进展顺利,Berstein预测关注和支持将潮涌而来。他预期每个云层控制器最 终将耗费50,000 至 100,000 美元。

  其他科学家也将从中获益。通过指尖持有的闪电“开关”,材料科学家会查明当强大电流碰 到物体时将会有什么情况发生。Diels也希望“交互式气象学”的诞生,它不仅能预测天气还能 控制天气。“如果我们能够释放云层电量,或许可以影响到天气。”他说道。

  或许,Diels说,我们将会遭遇其他一些气象威胁。他说:“我们认为我们能通过引诱闪电来组织冰雹。”雷是产生于闪电的击波,它被认为是以暴风雨为典型的大雨的触发器。激光雷工厂可以将云层中的湿气摇出,或许就能预防威胁庄稼的巨大冰雹的形成。如果幸运的话, 当今年冬天暴风雨云聚集时,携带激光的研究人员可能会作出回击。

剑桥雅思8阅读:Test3雅思阅读PASSAGE 1真题+答案+解析

剑桥雅思8阅读:Test3雅思阅读PASSAGE 1真题+答案+解析

剑桥雅思8阅读:Test3雅思阅读PASSAGE 1真题+答案+解析



  第 1 段 :泛泛论述闪电带来的巨大影响。

  第 2 段 :美国和日本研究员尝试用激光回击闪电。

  第 3 段 :历史上曾有人尝试发射火箭来回击闪电。

  第 4 段 :发射火箭回击闪电的缺点。

  第 5 段 :Diels 出于安全性的考虑,尝试用激光来回击闪电。

  第 6 段 :激光回击闪电的原理。

  第 7 段 :激光的方法也有缺陷,即不便于携带,因此 Diels 在做新的改进。

  第 8 段 :Diels 预测并期待关注和支持的到来。

  第 9 段 :其他科学家也会从 Diels 的研究中获益。

  第 10 段 :激光的方法还有可能阻止冰雹。


  Questions 1-3

题型归类 :Multiple Choice


  题目编号 题目定位词 答案位置 题解

  1 main topic 文章的标题 答案 D 通过标题知道整篇文章的主旨是“通过

  激光来回击闪电”,因此答案是 D 选项,意思为 “一种用于控制闪电袭击的激光技术”,属于对标


  2 every year lightening 段 答案 A 本题考查关于每年闪电情况的细节,可 定位于段。B 选项可以通过 golfer 一词来定 位,也在段,原文意思是“孤单的高尔夫球 手或许将是闪电之箭最为有吸引力的目标”,选 项 B“在美国主要杀死或者伤害高尔夫球手”改 变了原意 ;C 和 D 选项可以分别通过 500,100 这两个数字来定位到段,但是 C 选项中将原 文 in the United States 偷换成了 throughout the world,因此不对 ;D 中将原文的$100 million 偷换成 100 companies,也不对。通过对段 的概括,可以知道闪电带来的影响是大的, 因此答案是 A。

  3 University of Florida, University of New Mexico 第三段和第 五段 答案A 题目问的是UniversityofFlorida和 University of New Mexico 的研究员的关系。通 过 University of Florida 和 University of New Mexico 分别定位至第三段和第五段。对两处论 述进行对比,不难得出两者共同之处是“从同一 来源获得经费”,都是 EPRI。答案是 A。



Questions 4-6

题型归类 :Sentence Completion


  题目编号 题目定位词 答案位置 题解

  4 EPRI 第三段第 5-6 行 根据原文“EPRI, which is funded by power companies”可知,本题答案为 power companies。

  5 Diels, advantage 第五段第 3-4 行 解答本题,需要根据 Diels 和 advantage 来定位, 寻找论及到 Diels 的地方,并且要提炼出他的技 术的优点。定位到第五段,从第五段第 3-4 行的 论述发现 safely 和 safety 是论述的重点。而空格 处需要填副词,因此答案是 safely。

  6 laser equipment, difficulty 第七段第 1-2 句 根据 laser equipment 和 difficulty 来定位,定位到 第七段。第七段第 1 句话中的 stumbling block 就 是 difficulty 的同义替换,后面论及到的困难 是 not portable,因此要减小 size。因此,本题答 案是 size。


  Questions 7-10

   题型归类 :Summary


  题目编号 题目定位词 答案位置 题解

  7 removing electrons 第六段第 2 行 答案 B 根据 removing electrons 来定位,找 到第六段第 2 行,文章说 when high-powered lasers were revealing their ability to extract electrons out of atoms..., 其 中 原 文 中 的 extract 对应题干中的 removing,所以答案是 B atoms。

  8 then, control electrical charges 第 六 段 第 2-4 行 答案 C 根据 then 知道,本题描述的是紧 挨着第 7 题论述的动作的,因此可估计本 题的答案紧随第 7 题答案之后。原文中的 guide lightning to Earth 也就是题干中所说的 control electric charges,而达到这个目的就 需要将激光对准 storm clouds。

  9 less dangerous than 第四段和第五 段 答案 G 解答本题需要对文章有一个提炼,第 9 题问的是激光是相对于哪种方式更加有安全 的技术。根据第四段和第五段可以知道,第 四段说火箭发射的缺点,第五段说出于安全 性的考虑开始使用激光,因此答案应该是火 箭(rockets)。

  10 protection, aimed firstly 第 六 段 第 3-4 句 答案 D 定位到第六段的第 3-4 句,其中原文 中的 To stop the laser itself being struck 就相 当于题干中的 As a protection for the lasers, 所以显然本题的答案是 mirrors。

Questions 11-13



  题目编号 题目定位词 题目句意 题解

  11 Diels, enough money 电力公司已经 给 Diels 足够的 资金来发展激 光技术。 NO 根据第八段前两句的论述可知,目前 Diels 已经吸引了电力公司的关注,但是开发 更小更便宜的激光系统所需要的 500 万美元 的资金还没有提上日程。题目表述与原文相 矛盾。

  12 depend on tests in real stoms 是否能获得资 金来改进激光 技术将取决于 真实雷雨中的 测试结果。 YES 根据第八段 Bernstein 的话可知,他认 为即将来临的实地测验将是转折点,他希望 有。如果一切进展顺利,Berstein 预测 关注和支持将潮涌而来。题目表述符合文意。

  13 weather forecasters 天气预报员对 Diels 的系统很 感兴趣。 NOT GIVEN 文章第九段虽然提到了天气预 报,即 Diels 希望将来看到“交互式气象学”, 不仅是预报天气,还可以控制天气 ;但是却 并没有提到过 weather forecasters 的态度,他 们也许感兴趣,也许不感兴趣,无从判断。

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