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2020-12-31 10:30 北京新航道  


  剑8雅思口语范文Test3Part2-Describe a meeting you remember going to at work, college or school.


  Describe a meeting you remember going to at work, college or school.

  hold meeting, meet up with, discuss, meeting agenda, participate, involve, include, dispute, agree on, compromise, reach consensus, inconclusive, conclude, boring, red tape, cliché, impassive, memorable, meaningful, practical, pragmatic, realistic, applicable, solve problems.


  Speaking of a meeting, I’d like to talk about the one I had with my seminar group. That’s when I was still in college. I met up with my seminar group to discuss our class assignment, because we were supposed to give a group presentation on human resources management in multinational enterprise. Well, that’s hell of a difficult task, but we decided to do our best. Sometimes you just can’t imagine how powerful one’s determination could be unless you push your limits. Anyway, we sifted through all useful resources that we could lay our hands on, organized our thoughts and finally came up with our first draft of presentation outline and division of work. After that, we met a few other times. Even though we didn’t deliver the best presentation of all, it sure was an impressive one, and it was my first presentation, which is why I remember it so well.


  Wow, this is pretty difficult for me, because I’ve had so many meetings. And my job is virtually about meeting people and deciding whether I should recruit them for my company. Yes, you guessed it. I’m an HR manager. Let me just tell you about the latest meeting or interview I had a couple of days ago. I was recruiting a junior staff for the secretarial department. A fresh college graduate came to the interview. I first looked at his resume and asked him some basic questions, which he seemed to have responded quite well. But when I asked him about his long-term career plan, he fumbled in a shilly-shally manner. So I thought to myself“well, our company may not need a person like this”and I told him“I’m sorry”. Apparently he’s sorry too. Anyway, this maynot be a very memorable meeting, but it is the latest one I had.

剑15 雅思机考 考试费用 7分有多难 成绩查询 考场概况 评分标准 变题期口语


