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2020-12-23 10:04 北京新航道  


  Good morning, everyone. In the last few lectures l've been dealing with business finance,but now l'm going to move on to business systems. And in today's lecture l'm going to talkabout what can go wrong when businesses try to copy their own best practices.

  Once a business has sucsully introduced a new process - managing a branch bank,say, or sling a new product - the parent organisaion naturally wants to repea thatSuccess, and cpplure u possible on a bigger scale. The goal, then, is to ulie exsingknowledge and not to generate new knowledge. Its a less glamorous activilty than pureinnovation, but lt acually happens more often, as a mater of fact. However, surprisingly,getting things right tho second time s not nesrly any simpler than i was the frst time,Now, there's bon a lot ol restach into how companies can repeat their prevlous

  successes, and it cortainly hasn been confined to the United States, It soems that mostlarge industrios aro trying to repeat their own successes, and manage the knowedpothey've acquirod - but even 80 it has been shown that the overwhelming majorly ofaltempts fll A hos ofl studles confirm thls, coverng a wide range of business sttings;branch banks, rotal stores, real estate agencles, factorfes, call centres ... to name but a

  So why do s0 fow munagers get things right the second or third time? Lor's consicder onereason for falure - placing loo much trust in the people who are running the sucesshuloperaion, the 'expert' shal we say. Managers who want to apply exisling knowlodge

  typically start of by goling to an expert - such器the person who designed and b running asuccesstul department store - and picking their brains. Now. this approachcan be usediyouwant togaina rougph understand ngola particular system, or understand smalersolated problems. The bouble鸭Gven the expert doesnttuly grasp the whole thingbecause when comes 如o complex systems, the individual components ofthe processare interwoven with one another. The expernt never has compete acoess加o tho necossaryinformation. And the stuation's complicated even further by the fact thal experts are usuallynot aware of thotr own ignorance. The ignorance can take various forms. For instanco, a lotof details of the systerm are invisible to managers. Some may be dificul t0 describe -

  learned on the job and well known by workers perhaps, but mpossible 10 desorbe inaway that's helpful. And there are some things that people know or do that theyre noteven aware of.

  Now. lot's conskdlor two types of mistake that can occur when a managor acdualy slarts losel up a duplicato sysem to rep cate a sccesstul process. Firstly, porhaps ho fongots thathe was just trying t如opy another process, and starts tying to improve on it. Another

  mistake is tying to use the best parts of various d ferent systems, in the hope of creatingthe perfect combination.

  Unforunately, atempts ke these usually turm out to be misguided and lead to problens.Why? Wel, for varlous reasons. Perhaps there weren't really any advantages afer all,because the intormation wasn't accurate. Or perhaps the business sttings woron't ralalycomparable. More bplialy, the advantages are real enough, but thore are also

  disadvartages thot have been overloked. For example, the modfcatons might

  compromise salety in some way.

  So, whar's the solution? Wel, Idon't intend to suggest that rs easy to get things roght thesecond time ... rs not But the undertying problemhas more to do wih atudes thuan theactual dliclly of the task, and there are ways of geting t rght. These involve adjustingattludes, frst of .... being more realistic and aufious realy. Secondly, they involeexering srict controls on the organisational and operational systems. And this in tummeans copying the onginal a cdosely a possible. Not merely dupicating the physical


  charaderistics of the factory, but also duplicali ng the skils that the original employees had. Q39& 40Reliance on a template like this offers the huge advantage of built-in consistenoy。



  一旦一个企业成功地引入了一个新的流程——管理一家分行,或者推出新产品——母公司自然想要重新成功,而cpplure u有可能在更大的规模上。因此,目标是利用知识,而不是产生新的知识。它不像纯粹的创新那样迷人, 但作为事实的母体, 它更频繁地发生。然而,令人惊讶的是,把事情做好,虽然第二次没有比我简单,现在,有的继续到公司如何可以重复他们的前一天

  成功它显然已经局限于美国,它使大多数大工业阿罗试图重复自己的成功,并管理知道的pothey已经收购 - 但即使80,它已经证明,压倒性的主要盐屑fll A hos的螺柱确认thls,覆盖广泛的业务分切;分行,腐烂商店,房地产年龄, 因子, 呼叫中心...名称,但

  那么为什么 s0 fow 穆纳格在第二次或第三次把事情做好呢?洛尔的造假原因之一 — — 我们说, "" 说, 把厕所放在那些正在成功的人的信任上。想要应用 exisling 知道的管理者

  通常从向(例如设计并经营成功百货公司的人)高谈开始,并挑选他们的大脑。现在。这种方法可以用托盖纳鲁格夫了解恩戈拉特定的系统, 或理解斯马勒索拉特的问题。没有熟练地掌握整个事情,因为当来到复杂的系统,过程的单个组件是相互交织的。兴奋者从来没有竞争过, 虽然坏死。而由于通常没有意识到自己的无知, 这一点变得更加复杂。无知可以采取各种形式。对于 Instanco 来说,许多系统的细节对管理者来说是不可见的。有些可能是 dificul t0 描述 -

  工作上学习, 也许为工人所了解, 但可能 10 个绝望,这是有帮助的。有些事情人们知道或做,他们甚至不知道。

  现在。地段的缺点两种类型的错误, 可能发生, 当一个马纳戈尔 acdualy slarts 失去一个重复的系统, 以代表一个硬化过程。首先, 波尔哈普斯 · 霍 · 方戈特, 他只是想尝试另一个过程, 并开始绑, 以改善它。另一个错误是捆绑使用各种 d 铁杉系统的部分, 希望创造完美的组合。

  不幸的是, 把这些通常被误导了, 导致问题。为什么?韦尔, 因为瓦卢斯的原因。也许没有任何优势,因为分析是不准确的。或者, 也许业务分切是无可比拟的。更 bplialy, 优势是足够的真实, 但 thore 也分离被过度拥有。例如,模组可能妥协在某种方式。

  那么whar 是解决方案?韦尔, 我不打算建议 rs 很容易得到的东西罗格特第二次...rs 不是, 但不足的问题有的做 wih atudes thuan 实际 dliclly 的任务, 有办法得到 t rght 。这些涉及调整线索, frst...更现实, 更真实。其次,它们对组织和运营系统进行控制。这在 tummeans 复制在金上一个 cdoses 一个可能。不仅仅是欺骗身体






  谈话场景 :授课 人物关系 :老师独白 谈话话题 :经济试图模拟复制其他成功例子时,哪些地方会出现问

  师资点题剑桥雅思8 听力:


  1. 本篇文章节选了是老师授课的一部分。老师首先回忆说前几讲的内容是关于商业金融,接 下来的内容关于商业体系。本节课的内容是当经济试图模拟复制其他成功例子时,哪些 地方会出现问题(And in today’s lecture I’m going to talk about what can go wrong when businesses try to copy their own best practices)。短语 go wrong 意为“出错,发生故障”。

  2. Once a business has successfully introduced a new process—managing a branch bank, say, or selling a new product—the parent organization naturally wants to repeat that success, and capture it if possible on a bigger scale.(一旦商业成功地引进一套新的程序,比如说管理银 行分行,或者销售某新产品,母公司自然想复制其成功模式,如果可能的话,在更大范围 上将之据为己有。)say 在此处为副词,是插入语,意为“比如说”。

  3. The goal, then, is to utilize existing knowledge and not to generate new knowledge.(这样做 的目的是使用已有知识,而不产生新的知识)。then 也是插入语,本句的主干是 the goal is to...,不定式 to 引导的部分做表语。

  4. It’s a less glamorous activity than pure innovation.(因此这种行为相比纯粹发明来说就缺乏 魅力了。)该句话使用了比较级,有两个线索可以看出,一个是 less 修饰 glamorous,另一个是比较级的标志词 than。

  5. It seems that most large industries are trying to repeat their own successes, and manage the knowledge they’ve acquired—but even so it has been shown that the overwhelming majority attempts fail.(看起来似乎大多数大型工业试图复制他们自己的成功模式,操控他们已有 的知识,但是即使如此,绝大多数的尝试还是归于失败)。acquire 为动词,意为“取得, 获得”,acquire knowledge 意为“学习知识”;名词形式为 acquisition,language acquisition 意为“语言习得”;形容词形式为 acquisitive,意为“习得的”。短语 the majority of 意为“多 数,过半数”,“少数”则可以表达为 the minority of。

  6. A host of studies confirm this, covering a wide range of business settings: branch banks, retail stores, real estate agencies, factories, call centres ... to name but a few.(大量的研究证明了 上述观点,这个研究包括许多商业背景:银行分行、零售店、房地产中介、工厂、电话中心...... 这里只列举少数。)retail store 意为“零售店”,wholesale 意为“批发”,wholesaler 意为“批 发商”。name 在此处为动词,意为“列举”。

  7. The trouble is, even the expert doesn’t fully grasp the whole thing because when it comes to complex systems, the individual components of the process are interwoven with one another.

  (问题是,因为一涉及这个复杂的系统,甚至都无法完全掌控整个局面,而且这个程 序中单个成分又与其他成分交织在一起)。be interwoven with 意为“与...交织在一起”。 interwoven 是动词 interweave 的过去时与过去分词形式。

  8. 讲座中说,除了上述问题之外,从来都无法获得需要的信息(the expert never has complete access to the necessary information)。而且对自己的无知还不自知,使得情 况更加复杂(And the situation’s complicated even further by the fact that experts are usually not aware of their own ignorance)。access 为名词意为“入口,通道 ;使用权”,作 动词意为“存取”;have access to 意为“接近,到达 ;可以使用”。be aware of 意为“意识 到”,相当于 realize ;be not aware of 也可以表达为 be unaware of。

  9. 接下来老师讲述了经理人在复制成功的过程中出现的两类错误。其中一种错误就是从不同 的系统中择取的部分,希望创造出完美的组合(Another mistake is trying to use the best parts of various different systems, in the hope of creating the perfect combination)。in the hope of 意为“希望”,也可用“in the hope that + 从句”的结构,亦可用 in hopes of/ that。关于 hope 的一些短语还有 :be beyond/past hope 意为“(成功、痊愈)毫无希望”; build up/raise sb’s hopes 意为“使某人抱有希望”。口语中有 Some hope !这一表达,相 当于 What a hope!(真是痴心妄想!)

  10.Unfortunately, attempts like these usually turn out to be misguided and lead to problems(. 不 幸的是,这些尝试一般都是误入歧途,最终导致了问题的产生)。turn out to be 意为“证明是”,相当于provetobe;leadto意为“导致”。

  11.But the underlying problem has more to do with attitudes than the actual difficulty of the task.(但是这些潜在的问题的是与态度相关,而不是任务本身的实际难度。)have sth. to do with 意为“与...有关系”,have more to do with 意为“与...关系更深”,have less to do with 意为“与...关系不大”。

  12.not merely duplicating the physical characteristics of the factory, but also duplicating the skills that the original employees had(不仅仅复制工厂的外在特征,而且复制原来雇员 的技术)。merely 意为“仅仅,只不过”,not merely...but also... 等同于 not only...but also...。



  Question 31 答案 B

  听 前 预 测 :定 位 词 为 new business processes、attempts, 选 项 关 键 词 分 别 为 attractive、 frequent、straightforward。

  题目解析 :本题难度不大,出题句为 but it actually happens more often,对应选项 B 中的 frequent(频繁)。

  Question 32 答案 B

  听前预测 :定位词为 research...repetition,选项关键词分别为 done outside the US、consistent findings、only a few contexts。

  题目解析 :本题有难度,出题句为 A host of studies confirm this, covering a wide range of business settings, 句中的 A host of studies confirm this(研究都证实了这一点)对应选项 B 中的consistent findings(得出了一致的结论)。另外,要特别注意选项 C 包含only这样的绝 对化词汇,通常是干扰选项,类似的表示意义的词还有 must, never, all 等。

  Question 33 答案 B

  听前预测 :定位词为consulting experts,选项关键词分别为few managers、useful...certain circumstances、sometimes unwilling...advice。

  题目解析 :本题难度较大,难点在于不易定位,出题句为 Now, this approach can be used if you want to gain a rough understanding of a particular system, or understand smaller, isolated problems. 其中if为条件状语从句,在条件下,这种方法can be used,故正确答案为B。

  Question 34 答案 A

  听前预测 :定位词为 knowledge...incomplete、because,选项关键词分别为 difficult...explain、 not to mention、altered。

  题目解析 :本题难度不大,比较容易定位,出题句为 some may be difficult to describe,故正 确答案为 A。

  Question 35 答案 combination/system

  听前预测 :定位词为 two mistakes、original process,提示词为 an ideal,本题应填名词。 题目解析 :本题难度不大,重点关注 firstly, another 等递进关系词,理清文章层次,抓住核 心名词即可。

  Question 36 答案 safety

  听前预测 :定位词为 disadvantages,提示词为 effect of changes on,此处应填名词或名词短语。

  题目解析 :本题难度不大,容易定位,但要注意 changes 与 modification 之间的同义替换, 相关句中的核心名词 safety 为本题答案。

  Question 37 答案 attitude(s)

  听前预测 :定位词为 Solution,提示词为 change,此处应填名词。

  题目解析 :本题难度不大,题干中的 change 在原文中替换成了 adjusting,核心名词 attitudes 在相关处出现。

  Question 38 答案 control(s)

  听前预测 :定位词和提示词均为 rigorous,本题应填名词。

  题目解析 :题干中的 rigorous 在原文中替换成了 strict,要注意答案 controls 为名词复数,而 不是动词第三人称单数。

  Question 39 答案 factory/factories

  听前预测 :定位词为 physical features,提示词为 of the,此处应填名词。
题目解析 :本题难度不大,所听即所得,注意同义替换的应用,题干中的 physical features 对 应原文中的 physical characteristics。

  Question 40 答案 skills

  听前预测 :定位词为 original employees,提示词为 the,此处应填名词。

  题目解析 :本题难度不大,但与上一题间隔较短,做题时要注意 not merely...but also 等递进 结构词的提示,这样才能迅速抓住答案。

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