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2020-12-21 09:54 北京新航道  


  Hello, and elcome to Focus on the Arts. I'm your host - Dave Green - and this is yourvery own local radio programme. Every Friday evening wo put the solight on iflerentarts and culture failtis and look at the shows and avents that are on ofler in the comingweek,

  And today the focus is on The National Arts Centre. Now, if you don't aleady know it

  yourseif, l'm sure you've all heard of it lt's famous throughout the world as one o the majorvenues for classical music.

  But did you know that it is actuall much more than just a place to hear concerts? TheCenire tsell is a huge complex that caters for a great range of arts. Under a single roof ithouses concert rooms, theares, cinemas, art galeries and a wonderful public Brany. aswell as sevice tacdies inciuding three restarants anda bookshop- So at any one time,the choice of enlertainment there is simply enormous.

  So, how did they manage to buld such abig arts complex right in the heartof the aty?Well, the area was completely destroyed by bombs during the war in 1940. So the

  opportunity was taken tlo aeate a aulturall centre that would be, what they alled: the City'sgin tlo the Nation'. Of course it took a while for such a big projod to get started, butit waspla med in the 60s, built in the 70s and eventually opened to the public in 1983. Ever sincethen has proved to be a great success. It is not privately owned, like many arts centres,butis sbl in public hands - lrs run by the City Council Both our Natonal Symphony

  Orchestra and National Theatre Company were ivoved in the planning of the project, andthey are now based there - giving regular performances every week - and as the Centre isopen 363 days of the year, there are plenty of perfomances to choose from.

  So, lo give you some idea of whal's on, and to help you choose from the many posisiliswe've made a selection ol 'the star attrations.

  If youre interested in classical music, then we recommend you go along to the National oneilher Monday or Tuesday evening at 7.30 for a spectacular production of 'The Magic Flute'"- probably the most popular of all Mozart's operas. It's in the Garden Hall and tickets startat only E8.0, bu you'll have to be early if you want to get them that cheapl And remember,il's only on for those two evenings.

  For thoso more interosted in the cinema, you might lke to s00 the now Canadian flm whichis showing on Wednesday evening at 8pm in Cinema 2, And that's alled 'Three Lives.' lt'shad fantastic reviews and tickets cost just€4.50. which is a reduction on the usual price of€5.50. So, i's rally good value, especial for such a groat movio.

  But you can see the centre's main attrationo at the weekend, because on Saturday andSunday, 11 am to 10 pm, theyre showing a wonderful new exhblion that hasn't been seenanywhere else in Europe yet. lt's a ollcdiono of Chinese Art called 'Facos of China' - thal's in Gallery 1 - and it has some really fascinating paintings and scuiptures by leading artistsfrom all ower China - and the good news is that it is completely free, so don't miss it!

  So why not go along to the National Arts Centre next week for one - or all- of thesegreat events - and you can always pick up a programme and check out all the otherperformances and exhibitions on offer, or coming s0on, on almost every day of the year,Next week welbe looking at the new Museum of Science ....

  第 2 节

  你好, 和埃尔来专注于艺术。我是你的主持人 - 戴夫 · 格林 - 这是你自己的本地电台节目。每个星期五晚上, wo 把灯放在阿不来艺术和文化失败, 看看未来一周的节目和冒险,


  你的, 我肯定你们都听说过它作为古典音乐的主要作品而闻名于世。

  但是你知道,它实际上不仅仅是一个听音乐会的地方吗?TheCenire tsell 是一个巨大的综合体,迎合了广泛的艺术。在一个屋檐下,它屋的音乐厅,剧院,电影院,艺术画廊和一个美妙的公共布兰尼。以及服务塔奇在三个娱乐和书店 - 所以在任何时间, 娱乐的选择简直是巨大的。

  那么, 他们是如何设法把这么大的艺术情结放在阿蒂的心里的呢?嗯,在1940年的战争中,该地区被炸弹完全摧毁。所以

  机会被抓住 tlo aate 一个奥图拉尔中心, 这将是, 他们所有: 城市的金 tlo '。当然,这么大的亲子需要一段时间才能开始,但它在60年代建成,建于70年代,最终在1983年向公众开放。从那时起,就被证明是一次巨大的成功。它不是私人拥有的, 像许多艺术中心一样, 但 sbl 在公众手中 - lrs 由市议会经营我们的纳托纳尔交响乐团


  所以, lo 给你一些捕鲸的想法, 并帮助你选择从许多姿势, 我们已经作出了选择 ol '明星的点。

  如果你对古典音乐感兴趣,那么我们建议你周一或周二晚上7点30分去一剧,欣赏《魔笛》的壮观作品——可能是莫扎特所有歌剧中的。它在花园大厅, 门票开始只有 E8.0, 但是, 如果你想得到他们那么便宜, 记住, 我只为这两个晚上。

  对于在电影院里更相互交加的,你可能会把现在的加拿大flm放在第二电影2晚上8点,这就是"三生",这是一则精彩的评论,门票价格只有4.50英镑。这是一个降低通常的价格€5.50。所以, 我的反弹价值, 尤其是对于这样一个腹股沟莫维奥。

  但是,你可以看到中心的主要阿图拉托在周末,因为在周六和周日,上午11点,晚上10点,他们展示了一个美妙的新,还没有在欧洲其他地方看到。是中国艺术的奥尔克迪诺, 叫做 "中国的法科斯" - 塔尔的在画廊-它有一些真正迷人的绘画和擦伤的艺术家从所有的主人中国-和是,它是完全免费的,所以不要错过它!






  谈话场景 :电台广播 人物关系 :电台节目主持人?谈话话题 :介绍 National Arts Centre 的基本情况


  1. 本文是一个广播节目,最开始主持人就介绍了节目的名称 Focus on the Arts(聚焦艺术)。 Every Friday evening we put the spotlight on different arts and culture facilities, and look at the shows and events that are on offer in the coming week.(每周五晚上的这个节目都会聚 焦不同的艺术与文化设施,同时预告下周举行的活动。)put the spotlight on 意为“聚焦, 关注”,spotlight 本义是“聚光灯”;on offer 意为“出价”。

  2. today the focus is on The National Arts Centre(本次节目则聚焦于艺术中心),focus 在此处是名词,也是“聚焦”的意思,它也可作动词,后面接介词 on。注意 :focus on 与 put the spotlight on 同义。

  3. It’s famous throughout the world as one of the major venues for classical music.(艺术 中心作为举行古典音乐的主要会场之一而闻名世界。)此句中 throughout the world 是插入 语,也可放在句尾。be famous as 意为“作为...而闻名”;关于 famous 还有一个短语,be famous for 意为“因...而出名”。

  4. it is actually much more than just a place to hear concerts(艺术中心不仅仅是一个聆听 音乐会的地方)。much more than 在此意为“还不仅仅如此”,它还可以表示“多得多”的 意思。

  5. Under a single roof it houses concert rooms, theaters, cinemas, art galleries and a wonderful public library, as well as service facilities including three restaurants and a bookshop.( 艺术中心里面不仅有音乐厅、剧院、电影院、艺术长廊、公共图书馆,还有服务设施,包 括三个饭店和一个书店。)house 在此为动词,意为“覆盖 ;包括”,house 一般作名词, 意为“房子”。as well as 意为“也,还”,起补充的作用。

  6. 在城市中心建立一个如此复杂的艺术中心很不容易,所以 it took a while for such a big project to get started(如此大的工程开始动工都花了很长时间)。get started 意为“开始动 工”;相似短语还有 get moved / disappeared / frustrated。

  7. 艺术中心的确花费了很大的心力,60 年代计划,70 年代开始建造,1983 对公众开放, 从那时起这个艺术中心一直很成功(Even since then it has proved to be a great success)。 prove to be 意为“被证明是”。success 是名词,意为“成功”;它的形容词是 successful, 意为“成功的”,短语 be successful in 意为“在......上成功”;其动词为 succeed,succeed in doing sth. 意为“做某事很成功”;同时 succeed 还有“继任 ;接着发生”的意思,如 : Summer succeeds spring.(春去秋来。)

  8. Both our National Symphony Orchestra and National Theatre Company were involved in the planning of the project.(交响乐团和剧院也纳入到项目计划之中)。be in- volved in 意为“卷入,陷入”,相关搭配有 :be involved in debt“债台高筑”;be involved in war“卷入战争漩涡”;be involved in disaster“陷入不幸”。

  9. 在介绍了这个城市的艺术与文化设施之后,主持人接下来介绍了目前供选择的可能性。 If you’re interested in classical music, then we recommend you go along to the National on either Monday or Tuesday evening at 7:30 for a spectacular production of“The Magic Flute”—probably the most popular of all Mozart’s operas.(如果对古典音乐感兴趣的话, 我们推荐你在周一或周二晚上 7:30 去欣赏莫扎特的精彩歌剧——《魔笛》。) recommend 意为“推荐”,recommend sb. as.../for a post 意为“推荐某人做某事 / 就任某 职”;recommend sb. to do sth. 意为“推荐某人做某事”。recommend 表推荐,后面接从句 用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),it is recommended that...(据推荐......)后面的从句也 需要用虚拟语气。

  10. 主持人最后推荐了 1 号艺术长廊的展览——中国面面观(Faces of China),里面展出的都 是中国艺术家的绘画与雕塑(paintings and sculptures by leading artists from all over c h i n a ),更 美 妙 的 是 还 免 费 ,千 万 不 可 错 过( D o n ’ t m i s s i t )。m i s s 在 此 处 是 动 词 ,意 为“ 错 过 ”, 它还有“缺席;躲避;想念”的意思;同时 miss 也可作名词,意为“猜错;失败;逃脱”等。


  Question 11 答案 classical music/(classical/music) concerts

  听前预测 :定位词为 well known,提示词为 for,本题应填名词。

  题目解析 :本题难度不大,容易定位,出题句为 :It’s famous throughout the world as one of the major venues for classical music. 题干中的 well known for 与 famous for/as 为同义替换,故 classical music 为本题答案。

  Question 12 答案 bookshop/bookstore

  听前预测 :定位词为 concert rooms、theatres、cinemas、art galleries、public library、restaurants, 提示词为 a,本题应填名词(单数)。

  题目解析 :根据题干中的定位词,很容易听到本题答案 bookshop。

  Question 13 答案 planned

  听前预测 :定位词为 1960s—1970s,提示词为 was...and built,本题应填形容词或动词过去分 词。

  题目解析 :本题有点难度,出题句为 ...but it was planned in the 60s, built in the 70s,注意出 题句与题干在时间表述上的变化,本题答案为 planned。

  Question 14 答案 1983/(the) 1980s

  听前预测 :定位词为 opened to public,提示词为 in,本题应填与 1940、1960s—1970s 相并列 的年代。

  题目解析 :本题答案与上一题间隔较短,所以考查考生对数字、年代的熟练程度。

  Question 15 答案 City Council

  听前预测 :定位词为 managed,提示词为 by、the,本题应填名词。

  题目解析 :本题出题句为 It’s run by the City Council. 题干的 managed 在原文中被替换为 run, 答案的 City Council 意思是“市议会”。

  Question 16 答案 363

  听前预测 :定位词 open、per year,提示词为 days,本题应填数字(多少天)。

  题目解析 :本题难度不大,所听即所得,考查考生对数字的熟悉程度。

  Question 17 答案 (the) Garden Hall

  听前预测 :定位词为 Monday and Tuesday、The Magic Flute,提示词为 Venue、Cinema 2、 Gallery 1,本题应填地点名词。

  题目解析 :本题难点在于 Garden Hall 的读音有些不清晰,一闪而过。考生对此应该多加熟悉,类似结构的词组还有 Town Hall。

  Question 18 答案 Three Lives

  听前预测 :定位词为 Wednesday、8.00 p.m.,提示词为 Event、The Magic Flute,本题应填 Canadian film 的名称。

  题目解析 :本题的标志词为 called,其后面为本题答案,所听即所得。类似的题目通常单词都 不会很难,属于一些基本词汇。

  Question 19 答案 4.50

  听前预测 :定位词为 Cinema 2,提示词为 ticket price、£,本题应填数字(钱数)。

  题目解析 :本题考查考生对数字读法的适应,注意 £4.50 的读法为 four pounds fifty。

  Question 20 答案 Faces of China

  听前预测 :定位词为 Saturday and Sunday、11 a.m. to 10 p.m.,提示词为 Event、The Magic Flute,本题应填 art exhibition 的名称。

  题目解析 :本题与 18 题类似,标志词为 called,所听即所得。注意 :答案中 Faces 必须写成复 数。

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