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2020-12-18 10:13 北京新航道  


  WOMAN:Good morning. How can I help you?

  MAN:Hello. I'm interested in renting a house somewhere in the town.

  WOMAN;Right. Could I have your name please?

  MAN:Yes, it's Steven Godfrey.

  WOMAN:And tell me how many bedrooms you're looking for.

  MAN:Well, we'd need four, because l'm going to share the house with threefriends.

  WOMAN:Okay, there are several of that size on our books. They mostly belong tofamilies who are working abroad at the moment. What about the location?

  MAN;lt'd be nice to be central.

  WOMAN;That might be dffiult, as most houses of that size are in the suburbs.Still, there are a few. What's your upper limit for the rent?

  MAN:We'd like something around€500 a month, but we could go up to€600 ifwe have to. But we can't go beyond that.

  WOMAN:Do you know how long you want to rent the house for? The minimum let issix months, as you probably realise.

  MANC:Weine aollele here for tao yeas and we dont wa n tlo have to moveduring hattime tw can avoidiL

  WOMAN:Right And how s00 do you want to move in? Al our lots starton the fistoff the month

  MAN:Wel, as socn as postliee ralyy a0 that mans September 1*.

  WOMAN:Ckay, let me have a look at what wn've go.. We have pholographs ofall the houses on our bocks, s0 you can gel an kdea ol what theyre like.There's this one in Oakingion Avenue, at€560 a month. Combined lvingroom and dining room, with a separate kichen. It doesn't have a gangethough you can park in the road,

  MAN:Ah, we'd prefer to have one, it possbie.

  WOMAN:FRight Then have a kocok at this housn, in Moad Siroet. lrs gok a very largeliving room and kichen, bathrom, dlakrom..

  MAN: How much is it?

  WOMAN:That one's 590. lt's very well furnished and equipped. It aiso has pienty ofspace flor parking, and i's avalable for a minimum of a yoar. Oh, andthere'sa big garden.

  MAN:1 don think we could cape wilth thal, to be honest. We'll be too busytolook atler ilL

  WOMAN:Okay. Then there's his older house in Hamilion Road: ling roo0mkitcheniner, and il has a sludy 550 monlh

  MAN:Thatlocks rather nce But shertabouls inHamilono Road?

  WOMANE:Towards the westem end

  MAN:Oh, thal be very noisy Iknow te aea.

  WOMANE:Yes, isprely lvely. Some peopia lihe in hough Wel whal aboul hishousein Devon Ciose?

  MANC:Thal loks lovely.

  WOMANC:There'sa big derand fior houses in that aea, to prices tend tobe quitehigh But this ane haant been decoraled for . few yean which has kepthe rent down a bit it's got a iving room, dning room and small kitchen,andit's 595 a month. lnink i would suil you, from what youve sad.

  MAN:It sounds fine.

  MAN:Whys that part of town s0 popuar?r

  WOMAN;Well, thre's a big scheme to improve the distnet and in soon have thebest fci for miles around,

  MAN:What sort of thing?

  WOMAN:There's a big sports centre under consrucion, which wil be very impressive when it's finished. In fadl the wimming ppofrs aready opened,ahead af schedule, and ir's attcting a lol of peopie.

  MAN: What about cinemas: are there any in the area?

  WOMAN: The only one dosed down las yer and n now in the pocess of beingcomvenied inio a fim museum. The local peoplie are trying to get a newcinema addad to the scheme,

  MAN:1thinkl heard something aboul a pian t mpiace the eristing gcet hallwiha larger one.

  WONAN:Ah, thafs due to start next year,

  MAN:Well it sounds an interesing area tlo live in. Could I go and see the house,please?

  WOMAN:Yes, of course.













  曼克:Weine aollele 在这里为陶耶斯, 我们不必移动帽子时间 tw 可以避免

  女人:好的, 你想怎么搬进来?Al 我们的地段开始在一个月的拳打脚踢

  人:韦尔, 作为后, 拉利 a0, 男人 9 月 1 日 * 。

  女人:凯, 让我看看 wn 去的是什么。我们有我们博克所有房子的皮球, s0 你可以凝胶一个 kdea ol 他们是什么。奥明英大道上有这个, 每月 560 英镑。结合的浴室和餐厅,与一个单独的基琴。它没有一个帮派, 你可以把车停在马路上,

  人:啊, 我们宁愿有一个, 它假设。

  女人:然后, 在莫德西罗特的这个胡森有一个科科克。lrs gok 一个大的客厅和基琴, 浴场, 德拉克罗姆。


  女人:那个是590它布置得,设备齐全。它艾索有空间 flor 停车场, 我至少可以达到一个 yoar 。哦,还有大花园

  人:1 老实说, 别以为我们可以披风。我们太忙了, 不能看

  女人:好。还有他在哈米利翁路的哥哥房子: 语言 roo0mkitcheniner, 和 il 有一个 sludy 550 monlh

  人:那锁, 但是哈米洛诺路的谢塔布尔斯呢?


  人:哦, 太吵了, 我知道。

  女人:是的, 漂亮。一些佩奥皮亚利赫在霍夫韦尔捕鲸阿布尔他豪斯德文 · 乔斯?


  女人:有大德兰菲奥的房子,在aea,价格往往相当高,但这个一个哈恩特被装饰。很少有耶恩, 这一直让他租下来一点, 它有一个客厅, dning 房间和小厨房, 它每月 595 。我会从你悲伤中给你苏化你。


  人:为什么镇的那部分 s0 popuar?r

  妇女;嗯, 这是一个大计划, 以改善 distnet, 并在很快有的 fci 周围英里,


  女人:有一个大的体育中心下,这将是令人印象深刻的, 当它完成。在 fadl 的 wimming ppofrs 区域打开, 提前 af 时间表, 和 ir 的 popie 笑。


  女人:一个点下来的 las yer 和 n 现在在被召集的 fim 博物馆。当地的佩奇正试图得到一个新的电影加加德计划,

  人:1 思想听到的东西, 一个皮安 t mpiace 的电子 gcet 霍尔维哈更大的一个。







  谈话场景 :找工作 人物关系 :宾馆工作人员和学生


  1. 本段对话是男士向女士咨询工作信息,以打电话的形式展开。女士接电话首先自报家门 West Bay Hotel,can I help you? Can I help you(我有什么可以为您效劳的)是打电话常 用语,还可以说 How can I help you? / What can I do for you?

  2. I’m ringing about your advertisement in the Evening Gazette。I’m ringing about 也是打电 话常用语,意思是“我打电话的目的是...”。那么至此我们可以确定男士是通过报纸上信 息找到 West Bay Hotel,于是决定打电话咨询。

  3. I’m afraid the person who’s dealing with that isn’t in today。“我恐怕负责这件事的工作人 员今天不在。”I’m afraid 后常跟句子表示歉意,或者传达不好的信息、提出异议等,语气 较委婉。接下来女士说她乐意给出一些关于这份工作的信息。

  4. 男士自然求之不得,但是他首先要弄清楚 West Bay hotel 到底提供什么工作,所以问道 Could you tell me what kind of staff you are looking for?(你能告诉我你们正在物色什么样 的员工吗?)。

  5. 找工作一般会关心工作时间,于是男士很自然地问 what are the hours of work ?女士回答 说 there are two different shifts——这份工作是轮班制,日班(day shift)是从 7 点到 2 点; 晚班(late shift)是从 4 点到 11 点。

  6. 工作之外自然是休息,接下来男士问到 what about time off ?(那么下班时间呢?)what about 与 how about 同义,询问“...怎么样”。

  7. 工资标准是最应该关注的问题(the top priority),所以男士问 Do you know what the rates of pay are ? the rates of pay 意为“工资标准”,salary 也是“工资,薪水”的意思,一般以月为单位。

  8. You’d also get tips. 一般旅馆的服务生都会得到小费(tip),比如帮客人搬运行李、送餐等。小费标准不一,主要在于客人的慷慨(generous)程度。

  9. 旅馆一般为服务生提供统一的服装,男士很关心这个问题,故而问 :Is there a uniform? What about clothes? 是不是有制服,衣服怎么解决?

  10. 确定了工作性质、时间、报酬、制服之外,男士就问什么时候开始上班。女士回答说 It’s some time around the end of June。around 在此处表示“大约(approximately)”的意思。

  11. I am available from the 10th. 男士说“我10号起就有空了”。available 是形容词,表示“可利用的 ;可得到的”。例如 :Do you have a room available? 你们还有空房间吗?

  12. directline是“直线电话”的意思;与之相反的“分机”用extension表示。

  13. by the way, she will ask you for a reference。by the way 意为“顺便说一下”,这个词组提示有额外信息需要注意。reference 在此处意为“推荐人”,文中后面解释了这个词,refer- ence refers to someone who knows you and can vouch for you。另外,reference 也有“参考 书目”的意思,大学生写学术论文会参考其他人的著作,在最后将论文付诸成文的时候, 要包括 reference 这个部分。



  Question 1

  答案 waiter(s)

  听前预测 :定位词为 vacancies,提示词为 for,此处应填名词(工作名称)。题目解析 :本题难度不大,题干中的 vacancies 表示“空缺”的意思,同义词为 openings。Could you tell me what kind of staff you are looking for?(你们需要什么样的员工?)We’re looking for waiters at the moment.(我们正在招服务员。)waiters 正是本题所需答案。

  Question 2

  答案 day off

  听前预测 :定位词为 two shifts、choose,the same each week,提示词为 your,此处应填名词。

  题目解析:本题有些难度,利用 two different shifts(两班倒)可进行大致定位。What about time off ?(具体什么时候休息?)You get one day off and I think you can negotiate which one you want, it’s more or less up to you. But it has to be the same one every week.(你有一天的休 息时间,很大程度上,你可以决定哪一天休,但必须每周都固定下来。)以上对话的主要内容是在谈论休息日确定的方式,即选择 day off。

  Question 3

  答案 break


  题目解析 :本题难度不大,所听即所得,听好定位词,后面直接给出答案 break。

  Question 4

  答案 (free) meal


  题目解析 :本题难度不大,所听即所得。You can get a meal in the hotel if you want to.(如果 你愿意,可以在宾馆里吃饭。)其中的核心名词 meal 为本题答案。

  Question 5

  答案 dark (coloured / colored)

  听前预测 :定位词为 white shirt,提示词为 and、trousers,此处应填形容词。

  题目解析 :解答本题要注意并列结构。You need to wear a white shirt, just a plain one, and dark trousers.(你需要穿白衬衫,深色的裤子。)本题中用 and 表示并列,常考的并列关系词还有 as well as,or,also,too 等。

  Question 6

  答案 jacket


  题目解析 :本题难度不大,需要注意递进结构。What about anything else?(还有别的要求么?) 引出了本题的答案 :You have to wear a jacket, but the hotel lends you that.(你必须穿夹克,宾 馆会借给你一件。)其中 but 之后的内容与题干中的 supplied 对应。

  Question 7

  答案 28 June

  听前预测 :定位词和提示词为 date,此处应填入日期或星期。

  题目解析 :本题容易定位,答案也不难获取。 I think it’s some time around the end of June. Yes, the 28th, in time for the summer.(我认为事六月末的某个时候,恩,是 28 号。)本题中月 份在前、日子在后,考查考生对日期的掌握程度,以及短期记忆能力。

  Question 8

  答案 Urwin

  听前预测 :定位词和提示词为 Jane,此处应填姓名。

  题目解析 :解答本题需要跟上对话节奏,Her name’s Jane Urwin, that’s U-R-W-I-N. 按拼写把 人名写下即可得分,需要特别注意的是,人名首字母必须大写。

  Question 9

  答案 12.00 (pm) / noon / mid-day

  听前预测 :定位词为 tomorrow,提示词为 before,此处应填具体时间。
题目解析 :本题属于中等难度。She usually starts checking the rooms at midday, so before then if you can.(她通常中午开始检查房间,你中午之前给她打电话。)其中 before 后面的 then 表示前面提到的 midday,故 mid-day 为本题的答案。

  Question 10

  答案 reference


  题目解析 :She will ask you for a reference.(她要求你有一个推荐人。)其中题干中的 require 在原文中的同义表达是 ask for,故 reference 为本题答案。

剑15 雅思机考 考试费用 7分有多难 成绩查询 考场概况 评分标准 变题期口语


