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10月24日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 犯罪描写,该被限制吗?

2020-10-27 09:29 北京新航道  


  Some people think that the detailed criminal description on newspapers and TV programs has bad consequence, so this kind of information should be restricted on media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?.

  解 析




  criminal description

  newspaper and TV programs







  审 题


  Films and computer games containing violence are popular now. Some people think they have a negative effect on society and should be banned while other people think they are harmless entertainment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(2011/10/29)


  The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the level of violent crime in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2017/5/20)








  3. 不承认原因,但承认结果:应该限制犯罪细节描写,但并不是因为这样做会产生不好的后果,而是有其他原因。






  There seems to be more and more detailed criminal description on media these days, such as beating, murdering, gun fighting, blood shedding, among others. As I see it, the excessive exposure to these criminal scenes will negatively influence newspaper readers and TV viewers, thus increasing the likelihood of their committing the same crimes in real life, but to restrict them on media is quite another story.

  To follow others is human nature, especially when it comes to doing harms to other people. This is demonstrated by the genocide Nazis committed against Jews in the Second World War. So, the more criminal scenes people witness on media, the more likely they will do the same violence to other people. Even if they are made to believe that these criminal description is fictional (rather than real), the viewers may also cultivate a negative kind of attitude toward the world they live in. They may be led to a belief that the world is far from safe and so they can take every possible measure to protect themselves, including killing others. This is actually one of the important reasons why many felonies have been committed.

  Nevertheless, to completely restrict media from giving detailed criminal description is not necessary nor desirable. Those description catering to the low taste of the audiences should, of course, be well controlled, but in many cases, it is important for newspapers or TV programs to offer detailed account of criminal acts, for either educational or aesthetic purposes. The detailed newspaper report, for instance, can arouse people's awareness of how bad a crime is so that they will take action against it; and in some TV programs, the vivid description of a criminal scene is part and parcel of its total aesthetic design.

  To conclude, while we generally agree that media should not present too many detailed criminal scenes, those scenes for educational or aesthetic purposes should not be banned.

  (320 words)



  There seems to be more and more detailed criminal description on media these days, such as beating, murdering, gun fighting, blood shedding,among others. As I see it, the excessive exposure to these criminal scenes will negatively influence newspaper readers and TV viewers, thus increasing the likelihood of their committing the same crimes in real life, but to restrict them on media is quite another story.



  (1) 本段用列举法(提供细节)开头,然后给出自己的观点。

  (2) Among others 诸如此类,等等

  (3) As I see it 在我看来;我认为

  (4) Excessive 过多的

  (5) Exposure (to) 接触......;暴露于......之下

  (6) Likelihood 可能性

  (7) ...is quite another story ......是另外一回事


  To follow others is human nature, especially when it comes to doing harms to other people. This is demonstrated by the genocide Nazis committed against Jews in the Second World War. So, the more criminal scenes people witness on media, the more likely they will do the same violence to other people. Even if they are made to believe that these criminal description isfictional (rather than real), the viewers may also cultivate a negative kind of attitude toward the world they live in. They may be led to a belief that the world is far from safe and so they can take every possible measure to protect themselves, including killing others. This is actually one of the important reasons why many felonies have been committed.



  (1) 本段讨论观看太多犯罪描写会引发犯罪。

  (2) Human nature 人类天性

  (3) Demonstrate 证明

  (4) Genocide 种族灭绝

  (5) Fictional 虚构的

  (6) Be led to a belief that... 被引导去相信......

  (7) Felony 重罪


  Nevertheless, to completely restrict media from giving detailed criminal description is not necessary nor desirable. Those description catering to the low taste of the audiences should, of course, be well controlled, but in many cases, it is important for newspapers or TV programs to offer detailed account of criminal acts, for either educational oraesthetic purposes. The detailed newspaper report, for instance, can arouse people's awareness of how bad a crime is so that they will take action against it; and in some TV programs, the vivid description of a criminal scene is part and parcel of its total aesthetic design.



  (1) 本段通过分类的办法,讨论了哪些犯罪描述应该禁止,而哪些不应该禁止。

  (2) Desirable 可取的

  (3) Cater to 迎合

  (4) Account 叙述;描述

  (5) Aesthetic 美学的

  (6) Part and parcel 一部分


  To conclude, while we generally agree that media should not present too many detailed criminal scenes, those scenes for educational or aesthetic purposes should not be banned.



  (1) 本段总结前面的讨论。

  (2) Generally 总体上

  (3) Present 呈现

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