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2020-08-24 10:29 北京新航道  





  1-10 为填空题


  ALow Tow nNeed additional/spare place for 1. parking

  B2.North g ateHave an additional3.b alcony

  outside have a garde n, swimming pool Available to move in on 4.30th Septem


  C Special facilities of a dditional 5. gym Swimming pool

  D shared bathroom6 . N o

  w $ 1


  7. Date: Thursday

  8. Meet at the café

  9. Turn left at/to the bridge

  10. Name: Edward Treloar




  11-15 为选择题

  11. B. More effectively displayed

  12. A. tidiness

  13. C. identify hazard

  14. A. assessment of screens

  15. A. little first aid experience.

  16-20 为填空题

  16-20 暂时空缺





  蜜蜂和大象;大象对于农作物的危害和当地人用 bee 来防止大象

  21-22 为多选题

  what result for elephants' attack to farmer,大象侵扰农民的农作物Crops

  A not establishing a law

  B fewer people would support conservation protecting elephant C farmers move away from the affected areas

  D more arguments among different communities

  E more frequent attacks aggressions toward humans


  C. Farmers move away from the affected areas E. More frequent attacks towards humans

  23-24 为多选题

  蜜蜂的 Stings 对大象造成的后果,描述正确的是:

  A bee stings will be lethal to young elephant B 是蜜蜂会 sting 大象眼睛周围,会使大象失明

  C bee stings will be painful sting inside of ears and trunk,刺在大象的眼睛周围的敏感地区,耳朵后面,甚至长鼻子会同样痛苦。

  D 蜜 蜂 not sting little elephants

  E some elephants will not be affected by bee stings


  A. Bee stings will be lethal to young elephant

  C. Bee stings will be painful sting inside of ears and trunk

  25-30 为单选题

  25. 做什么能够防止 elephant 对farm 的破坏 in the beginning

  A. Bee containers on the trees and elephant avoids these trees


  录音模拟实验中 when elephants hear the record of the angry bee, what is their reaction

  B. and run away immediately and look behind

  (重要的是我们发现大象不仅听到嗡嗡作响的声音就逃避,还会发出一 个独特的“隆隆″警告小伙伴以及摇头晃脑就像避开蜜蜂的追击);

  27. what is little elephant reaction?

  B. they seemed to be less affected coz they had not come across bees before

  4 分钟录音,几乎大象都跑了:(没跑的也是因为象太小,还没经历过被蜜蜂蛰这类事情)

  28. 在录音模拟实验中 what surprised the observers when they play the record?

  A. the speed some of elephants react in a such a shot of time no more than 10 seconds

  29. win-win situation in the passage means

  C. there is cost of equipment 博士的解决方案,满足迁徙动物的需求同时保护当地社区的经济效益 economic benefit 与物种。建设栅栏后肯尼亚农民既可以保护庄稼也可以养蜂酿蜜,也增加了从卖蜂蜜大量的收入!

  30. what are other measures which can prove to be effective as






  31-40 为填空题

  31. personal information

  32. bike offered a lock

  33. disadvantage of improvement in technology

  34. Japan adopt a ball

  35. tags: ink

  36. phone number

  37. reduce the insurance cost

  38. the most dangerous place: bus stop

  39. poor lighting

  40. easy to hide in the corner


  Part 1

  People & Animal

  Full name

  Work or study (What’s your impression of your school? Is there anything needed to be improved for your school? Describe something that can help you study.

  What’s the most enjoyable thing at school? What are your favorite courses? )

  Pet (Do many people in China have pets? What pet do Chinese people like? What pet did you raise when you were a child? What animal do you think is suitable to be raised as a pet? )

  Movie star (Who is your favorite movie star? Are film stars from overseas famous in your country? )


  Transportation (Where are the places that always have a traffic jam? How do you feel about the traffic jam? )

  Sports (What’s your favorite sports? ) Cooking

  Sharing (What kind of things do you like to share with others? What kind of things are not suitable for sharing? Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?)

  Objects / Things

  Sunglasses (Have you ever lost sunglasses? Do you like sunglasses? Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses? Have you ever bought sunglasses for others? )

  Tea or coffee (Which one do Chinese people prefer? Why?

  When’s the last time that you had coffee? Which one do you use to serve your clients?)

  Shoes (Do you like comfortable shoes or fashionable shoes? What is your favorite pair of shoes? Do you often buy shoes? )

  Music (How often do you listen to the music? Describe the kinds of music that you don’t like; Have you ever gone to a concert?)

  Water (Do you like to drink water? Do you like bottled water?

  Why? Is bottled water expensive? )

  Movie (Do you go to the cinema? What kind of movies do you like? How often do you go to the cinema? )

  Email Photo


  The area you live in (Where do you live? Do you know the

  people who live around you? What do you like about the area you live in? Is there any recent change in your living area? What would you like to improve for your living area? )


  Parks and gardens

  City (How’s the city you live? ) Crowded places



  Season (Do you like season change? )

  Color (What color do you like? Why do young people like bright colors more? What’s the color of your room? Do you think the color of a car is important? )

  Handwriting (Is your handwriting hard to recognize)

  Sky (Do you always watch sky? Do you like the sky in the day time or in the night time? )

  Patience (Are you a patient person? Do you think study

  needs patience? What will your reaction be if someone lets you wait for a long time? Did anyone teach you to be patient? )

  Part 2&3

  People & Animal

  Describe a teenager you know. 你认识的青少年

  Describe a person who you have never met but would like to know



  Describe an interesting lecture or talk you heard. 你听过的演讲

  Describe a party you recently joined. 你最近参加的一次派对

  Describe a time that there is a problem with your equipment. 设 备出现问题

  Describe a time that you received money as gift. 你收到钱为礼物

  Describe a time that you looked for information from the internet. 搜索信息

  Describe a time you received a bad service. 很差的服务体验


  Describe a kind of food that people eat at special events. 特殊场合吃的食物

  Describe an important decision made with someone’s help. 别人帮助你做决定

  Describe an important plant in your country. 的植物

  Describe a skill which you spent a long time learning. 一个你用了很长时间学习的技能

  Describe a historical period that you’re interested in. 一个你感兴趣的历史时期

  Describe something you bought but seldom use. 一个你买了但不经常用的东西

  Describe a newly built public facility (such as parks, cinemas etc.)

  that influences your city 你城市的一个新设施

  Describe a second language you would like to learn except English


  Describe something you regularly do which helps with work and study. 帮助你工作与学习的事

  Describe something lost by others that was found by you. 你捡到别人遗失的东西

  Describe a piece of good news you heard (from TV or the Internet).


  Describe an outdoor sports 户外运动

  Describe something that are good to health. 有利于健康的事情


  Describe a place (away from home) you would like to travel in the future. 想去旅行的很远的地方

  Describe a beautiful city. 一个美丽的城市

  Describe an interesting place. 有趣的地方


  Passage 1


  1.prefer errands F 2.didn’t envy T 3.published NG 4.familiar with London T 5.talk to shop owners NG

  6. F

  7. sign 8.leaflets 9.messenger 10.prison 11.salary 12.advice 13.furniture

  Passage 2





  Passage 3


  文章题材:说明文(人文社科) 文章题目:折射的发现者


  Task 1

  Type of Questions柱状图


  The chart below shows the average hours of teaching by each teacher in different types of schools in four countries in 2001.

  Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.




  Task 2


  Types of questions


  Some people think certain old buildings are worth preserving more than the other ones. Which types of old buildings should be

  preserved?Do you think the advantages of preserving old buildings outweigh the disadvantages?

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