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2020-08-24 10:02 北京新航道  





  1-10 为填空题

  1. Address: Market Road, now the new job place will be in Station Road

  2. Full working day: Sunday/the working hours all days/hours 4

  3. Lifting the heavy item

  4. Watering plants

  5. Skills needed: math

  6. Communication with customers

  7. Arrange for interview time: 17:00/5 pm on Wednesday

  8. Name of the interviewer: Maria Rapana

  9. Contact number: 3438873 10.Please bring passport to interview



  Long walk


  主题:Long walk






  21-26 为配对题

  A. Julie 说的

  B. Mike 说的

  C. Both of them Julie and Mike

  21.Company expected me early, too much on – A Julie 22.Did you get along well with the journalists – A Julie 23.Interview gain value – C both of them Julie and Mike 24.Excited on publication - C both of them Julie and Mike 25.Information from enquiry on journalist, useful – B Mike

  26.Knowledge learned 在实际工作上是否有效 – A Julie

  27-30 为选择题

  27. What Julie learned from interview: C not simply read questions out

  28. What Mike learned from business journalism:

  A. the scientific team

  B the information format

  C. how difficult to develop target market





  图书馆介绍 Survey on the Library

  31-40 为填空题

  31.Example of organizing good activities practices 32.People come to here mainly read for pleasure 33.Very clear definition

  34.Learn versatilely searching skills 35.Nowadays, lot of technological impact

  36. Respondents from many countries, including senior librarians and children

  37. Priority reserved for membership 38.Depend on users’ experiences

  39.Effective collection feedback




  Passage 1

  TopicBarrels 木 桶

  1-8 为判断题

  1. FALSE

  2. FALSE

  3. TRUE

  4. TRUE



  7. TRUE

  8. TRUE

  9-13. 暂时空缺

  Passage 2

  TopicChemicals and genes 基因和成功


  文章内容:Chemicals and genes 基因和成功题型及数量:填空题+匹配题


  Passage 3

  TopicVanishing Vocabulary 字 典


  文章内容:Vanishing Vocabulary 字典题型及数量:判断题+填空题+选择题 题目及答案:暂时空缺


  Part 1

  People & Animal

  Work or study (When do you feel happy in your study? What is

  helpful to your study? How many hours do you work every week?)

  Pets (Are there many people in your city who have pets? Have you ever raised pets?)

  Movie star Name


  Painting (Have you ever learned painting? When did you learn painting? Do you think hanging a painting in the house is important?

  Travel (Do you like travelling by car? When is the last time that you travel by car? Do you think everyone needs to learn driving?

  Transportation (Is there any traffic jam in your city?)

  Cooking (How often do you cook? Why do people love cooking? Do you prefer cooking at home or eating out? When’s the last time you cooked?)

  Sleeping (Do you nap at noon? Why? How long do you nap? Why?)

  Holiday (Which public holiday do you like most?)

  Sports (What is the most famous sport in china? Which sport star do you like? )


  Sharing (Did your parents teach you about sharing?

  Describe something you share with others and something can’t be shared. What do you think about sharing cars? )

  Morning routine (Is there any difference on morning routines between now and when you were young?)

  Objects / Things

  Movie (What kind of movies do you like when you were young? Why? How often do you watch movies? Do you prefer watching movie alone or with friends? )

  Music (Have you ever gone to a concert?)

  Plant sunglasses Tea/Coffee

  Shoes (Do you like fashionable shoes or comfortable shoes?)

  Water (Do you like bottled water or tap water? How much water do you drink every day? )


  Living area (Where do you live now? What do you like about the area you live? Do you know your neighbors?)

  Garden and park (when’s the last time you go there? )

  Cinema (Do you always go to the cinema when you were young? Why? )

  Hometown (How do you feel about your hometown? )


  Color (What color do you like? Do you like to wear

  clothes in bright color? Do you think color is important for a car?)

  Sky (Do you always watch sky? Do you like the sky in the daytime or the sky at night?)


  Season (Which season do you like?)

  Patience (Are you a patient person when you were young? What about now? )

  Part 2&3

  People & Animal

  Describe a person who you would like to work with. 你想要一起工作的人

  Describe an interesting old person 一个有趣的老人

  Describe a handsome or beautiful person you would like to get to know 你想认识的帅哥美女

  Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up 你长大想成为的人

  Describe a teenager you know 青年人

  Describe a friend who made you feel proud of. 让你觉得骄傲的朋友


  Describe something you would like to do when you are alone 你 一个人的时候喜欢做的事情

  Describe a time that someone did not tell you the whole truth about something. 被骗经历

  Describe a time that you found something lost by others. 找到别人


  Describe a success you have achieved 成功经历

  Describe a situation when you didn’t have enough time for 你没有时间做的事

  Describe a time that you taught something new to a younger person


  Describe a time when there’s a problem with your electronic device or equipment 设备损坏

  Describe a time that you looked for information from the internet. 搜索信息

  Describe a time you received horrible service. 很差的服务体验


  Describe a good news you heard recently 你最近听到的

  Describe a healthy lifestyle 健康生活

  Describe an interesting TV program or movie 一个有趣的电视节目或电影

  Describe an item you bought but do not often use. 一件你买了却不经常用的东西

  Describe your grandparent’s job. 你祖父母的工作

  Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event. 在一次活动中人们吃的食物

  Describe a book you recently read 你最近读的书

  Describe an important plant 重要的植物

  Describe a second language you would like to learn except English


  Describe a historical period that you’re interested in. 一个你感兴趣的历史时期

  Describe something you do during your free time 你空闲时间的活动


  Describe an indoor or outdoor place where is suitable for study or work 适合你学习或工作的地方

  Describe a place you would like to go in the future. 未来想去的地方

  Describe an interesting part of your country 最有趣的部分


  Describe a good law in your country 你的一个好法律

  Describe a successful family business 一个成功的家族企业


  Task 1

  Type of Questions柱状图


  The chart below shows the sales of four kinds of games around the world in 2000 and 2006.

  Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.



  Task 2


  Type of Questions讨论类


  Some people think that the best way to reduce time spend travelling to work is to replace parks and gardens close to the city center with apartment buildings for commuters, but others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

剑15 雅思机考 考试费用 7分有多难 成绩查询 考场概况 评分标准 变题期口语


