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由三个单词组成的句子 there you are,用法不单一

2021-07-29 10:45 北京新航道  

       无论你喜不喜欢英语,你都没少看见过 there you are 之类的表达方式,而且有的时候你可能会觉得它的意思不一般,至少用法不单一。如果你有这种感觉,那你的第六感是准确的。There you are 虽然简洁,但用法不简单。

  首先需要确定是 there you are 是一个特殊的倒装结构,之所以特殊,是因为它既不是全部倒装,也不是部分倒装,原因是主语是代词,这个记住就行了,没必要深究,除非吃饱了撑着。

there you are

  There you are,也常用作 there you go,类似的还有 here you are 和 here you go,但是 there you go 和 here you go 是非正式的,因此不能对老师或老板说,否则显得很不礼貌。There you are 主要有以下几个用法:


  There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere.


  There you are! Would you like to stay and have dinner?

  你在这儿啊! 留下来一起吃饭好吗?

  I ran over and saw you come back. And I was stunned, there you were.我跑过去看见你回来了。我惊呆了,你就在眼前。


  I’ve got your newspaper. There you are.我有你的报纸。拿去吧。

  There you are. That'll be £3.80, please.给您,请付3英镑80便士。

  Could you pass the salt?你能把盐递给我吗?Sure, there you go.当然,给你。


  You switch on, push in the disk and there you are!你打开开关,把磁盘推进去就行了!

  There you are! I told you it was easy!瞧,就是这样!我跟你说过这很容易!

  I know our political system isn't perfect, but there you are.我知道我们的政治体制并不完美,但就是这样。


  There you go. That's what they're like.一贯如此,他们就是这个样子。

  I know it's not ideal but there you go.我知道这并不理想,但改变不了。

  We didn't win the competition, but there you go. We can always try again next year.我们没有赢得比赛,但是改变不了,我们明年可以再试一次。

  五、意为“我说的对吧,我告诉过你的”,相当于 I told you so,例如:

  There you are. I told you we’d miss the train.我说的对吧。我告诉过你我们会赶不上火车的。

  There you are! I knew you'd get the hang of it eventually!我说的对吧!我就知道你最终会掌握窍门的!

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