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2021-09-28 09:45 北京新航道  





  - Conditionals :条件句,If

  - Inversion (using Not Only):倒装,用Not only作为句子开头

  - Participle clauses:分词从句

  - Subjunctive:虚拟语气,It is...

  - Although:用although来连接句子



  1.Does it rain much where you live?

  普通回答:Yes it rains very often and very heavily in the winter where I live.

  倒装:Not only does it rain very often but also very heavily in the winter.

  Although: Although we have dot dry summers, our winters are very wet.

  分词从句:Having lived in areas where rain rarely rains, I can say with certainty that it both rain often and heavily where I live.

  2. What do you like to do when it rains?

  普通回答:Well, I like to invite friends over to watch movies when it rains.

  条件句:If they are free, I like to invite friends over to watch movies. 或If possible, I like to invite friends over to watch movies.

  分词从句:Having limited options available, I like to watch movie at home with friends.

  Although:Although I prefer the sun, I enjoy raining days because I get chance to watch movies at home with friends.

  3.How do you like to read the news? In the newspapers or online?

  简单回答:It’s more natural for me to read news online because I grew up around computers.

  分词从句:Having grown up around computers, it’s more natural for me to read news online.

  条件句:If I could choose, I would rather read the news online, as I grew up around computers.

  说明:If I had to select/say/choose是很好的开头短语,既可以争取时间又能展示复杂语法结构。

  Although:Although reading newspapers is more traditional, I prefer to get my news online, since I grew up around computers.


  4.What apps do you use most?

  简单回答:Well, I guess I use Facebook and Instagram quite a bit.

  倒装: Not only do I use Facebook, but I use Instagram also.


  条件句:If I really thought about it, I would say I use Facebook and Instagram quite a bit.

  Although:Although I use a number of apps, I think I use Facebook and Instagram quite a bit.

  虚拟语气:It is essential that I use Facebook and Instagram daily.

  5. Would you like to make an app?

  简单回答:Yes, I would love to make an app.

  条件句:If I had the opportunity, I would love to make an app.

  Although:Although I doubt I ever will, I would love to create an app.

  分词从句:Having used many apps with disappointing result, I would love to create my own.

  倒装:Not only would I love to make an app, but I am also in the process of doing so.


  1. Talk about something you’ve learnt outside of school or college.

  简单回答:Driving is the most important thing I’ve learnt outside of school.

  条件句:If I had to select just one thing I’ve learnt outside of school, it would be how to drive.

  Although:Many things I’ve learnt outside of school have been useful , although I must say that learning how to drive has been the most useful.

  虚拟语气:Many things I’ve learnt outside of school have been useful, but I must say that it is critical to know how to drive, so perhaps this has been the most useful.

  虚拟语气:As it is essential that one know how to drive, this is the most important thing that I‘ve learnt outside of school.

  2. Describe a situation when you were glad to have your phone.

  简单回答:I was glad to have my phone because I could tell my parents about my car troubles.

  倒装:Not only was I able to call for help, but I was also able to alert my parents to my car troubles because I had my phone with me.

  分词从句:Having alerted roadside assistant, I was also able to inform my parents about my car troubles.

  Although:Although we often use our phones for entertainment, I was thankful to have mine when I needed to inform my parents about my car troubles.


  1.Do you think adults should keep on learning?

  简单回答:Yes I think it is essential.

  虚拟语气:It is essential that adults keep on learning throughout their lives.

  Although:Although it is difficult due to their various obligations, adults should keep on learning.

  倒装:Not only should adults keep on learning, but it is essential that they do so.


剑15 雅思机考 考试费用 7分有多难 成绩查询 考场概况 评分标准 变题期口语


