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2020-09-27 10:47 北京新航道  



  “Do you make a list when you shop?

  Do you make a list for your work? (Does it work?)

  Why don't some people like making lists?

  Do you prefer to make a list on paper or your phone?”

  新航道小编就带大家一起来看看怎么回答这个part 1吧!

  1.Do you make a list when you shop?



  Generally speaking, yes, I will make a shopping list and write out the items that need to be bought and even the brands of these items. You know, supermarkets or shopping malls are very large,so it is easy to deviate from the theme of this shopping-I easily stroll around in those places. In this case, I will waste much time without buying the things i really need.


  2. Do you make a list for your work? (Does it work?)



  I am a student now, yes, I will make a list. I have a lot of homework, so if I don’t write it down, I may forget it; at the same time, making a list allows me to make some overall planning, such as which homework tasks to do first, and then do that, so that my time can become more compact.



  I do make some checklists when I work, because the priorities of each character are different. At the same time, I will also update this information on my schedule list in real time, so that I can arrange my work in an orderly manner.


  3. Why don't some people like making lists?

  I guess they may not like to do things by the invisible remind, and may prefer to do things casually. To complete within the specified time is to complete, so they feel that the list has a sense of restraint, urging them to complete some things.


  4. Do you prefer to make a list on paper or your phone?

  I prefer it on my mobile phone. Firstly, my phone is always by my side, so it’s actually more convenient to remind me. Secondly, some apps on the mobile phone are really useful, and besides the list, they can remind me to do it and the deadline. If note it on paper, I may have to carry pen and paper at any time, so it is more convenient to list on the phone instead of on the paper.



剑15 雅思机考 考试费用 7分有多难 成绩查询 考场概况 评分标准 变题期口语


