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2021-06-22 15:46 北京新航道  





  Hi. It's Laura Carlton here. We've just arived at the holiday flat, but I can'tget the hot water and heating to work.


  Oh right! That's easy. Don't worry. In the upstairs cupboard, you'll findthe water heater. You'l see three main contrals on the left at the bottomof the heater. The first one = the round one on the far left = is the mostimportant one for the heating and hot water. I1's the main control switch.Make sure it's in the 'on' position. The switch itself doesn't light up, but thelitl square below will be black if the switch is 'off', That's probably what'shappened - it's got switched off by mistake. The middle one of these

  three controls - you'll see it's slightly larger than the first one - controlsthe radiators. If you feel cold while you're there and need the radiators on,this needs to be turmed to maximum. The last of the three controls - theone on the right - is usually on about a number four seting which for thewater in the taps is usually quite hot enough,Balow the heating controls in the middle s a small round plastic buton Ifthere isn't enough water in the pipes, sometimes the heater goes out, Ifthis happens you'll need to press this button to resol the heater. Hold it infor about five seconds and the heater should come on again. Then there'sa itle square indicator under the third. knob that's. a kind of alam light. Itflash if you need to reset the heater.


  It sounds complicated ..


  l'm sure you won't have any problems with it. There should be some moreinstructions on the side of the heater. Call me back if you can't make itwork.




  Wile you're on the phone, we haven't managed to find a few things weneed, like extra illows for the beds and some washing powder, ls thereany here?


  illows .. yes. lf you Jook in the cupboard. the large white one upstairsto the left of the bathroom door = there should be four or five on the topshelf. And if you want to do some washing, there's some powder for thatu probably by the back door. There's a kind 0f shelf there above the sink.In fact, I'm sure there's some there, in a large blue box. You need abouthalf a cup full for each wash.

  And that reminds me, the spare. key to the. back daor .iä hanging on a hooksn Lthe wall by the siting room window. Please make sure to put it backwhen you've used it. The previous guests lost it in the garden and I had toget another one made! And if you have any trouble with the lamps, youillfind some spare bulbs in a large cardboard box. ltas 0n top .of the washingmachine with all kinds of useful things in it.

  Oh, and another thing I forgot to mention when we last spoke ...




  l'va Jeft you a local map, so you'll be able to find your way around esl. Itshows the whole area. I put it in the top drawer of the chest under the TVin your bedroom. There's a whole file of local information in there too,


  Thanks, What about visiting the town? Can you give us any advica?


  Yes. You'll need to take the car. Il's too far to walk from the flat reall. Youhave to pay to leave your car in all the car parks now I'm afraid ... I like theone that's by the station best and you can walk to the town centre fromthere in five minutes. That's where all the best restaurants are. But if youwant a takeaway, the Italian one does really good pasta and pizzas. CallZ-3 double 2. 8-1 for that one, or 7 double 6, double 1, 9 for the Chinese.Theyre both good and they'l both deliver to the fiat.

  As for places to visit, yes, do go and see the railway museum. Theexhibition is small but really good. It gets very crowded on Sundays,so I suggest you visit it on a quieter day, later in the week, but not 2n

  Thursdays which is market day - you won't find anywhere to park and it'salso the. only day of the week whan they'ra not. open! Anything else?


  Not for the moment. Thanks!







  exhibition n.展览recruit v.招募

  color-code a.以颜色为代码的stamp v.盖章

  information booth 咨询台hospitality n.迎接

  orientation n.方向,适应,熟悉delay v.延误词汇拓展:

  car exhibition 车展furniture 家具subway地铁(美)tube地铁(英)metro地铁(法)难句解析:

  1. We are expecting this year’s International TravelExhibition to attract over 10000 visitors a day, ladies andgentlemen, and you are among the two hundred extra staff

  recruited to help look after them.先生们、女士们,我们预期今年的国际旅游展每天会吸引10000名参观者,你们是额外招募的200名工作人员,你们的职责是为这些游客服务。

  be expecting的意思是预期

  ladies and gentlemen是插入语成分

  extra staff是指展览中心本来就有工作人员,这些人是临时招募的

  recruited动词的过去分词表示与它所修饰的主语extra staff之间是被动关系

  2. Those of you involved in distributing entrance tickets will be on the yellow team and we’ve also put those of you who’ll be staffing the information booths around the conference centre on the yellow team, so you’ll be getting a yellow T-shirt.

  那些发放门票的工作人员属于黄队,另外负责会议中心周围信息亭的工作人员也属于黄队,你们每人会穿一件黄色T恤。 involved动词的过去分词表示与它所修饰的主语you之间是被动关系 involved in doing sth. 参与做某事。 staff的意思是为…配备人员,是动词形式

  3. Now, most of the hospitality staff have been put in the blue team, so the chefs among you and the kitchen hands will all need a blue T-shirt, but, because of the sheer numbers, all waiting staff will be on the yellow team, and this includes the bar staff among you.大部分迎接人员都被分在了蓝队,所以你们中的大厨和厨房帮手都需要一件蓝色T恤。但是因为人数的问题,所有待应生,也包括酒吧招待员都属于黄队。 have been put为现在完成时态,have been done but之前的句子比较好理解,之后的内容可以看成是另起一句,此句可以转换成一句完整的句子,即: Because of the sheer numbers, all waiting staff and the bar staff among you will be on the yellow team. 把the bar staff among you在原文中放到后面可以减轻主语的成分,避免主语部分成分较多,容易使我们困惑。

  4. Right, now that everyone knows what team they’re in, we’ll get on with the orientation and training programme and first I’ll run through the rest of today’s programme, which you should have in front of you, so that you can get a general idea of what else is in store today.好的,既然每个人都知道自己属于哪个队了,我们继续熟悉和训练项目。首先,我把今天要进行的项目给大家介绍一下,每个人面前都有要进行的项目程序表,这样你们就会知道我们今天还要做哪些事情。 get on with vt. 在…获得成功,于…友好相处;继续干 run through “过一遍” which引导非限定性定语从句,修饰先行词programme so that引导目的状语 in store“即将发生的”

  5. We’ll finish off the morning with lunch, which should give everyone a chance to meet and get to know each other, and we’ll be serving you a buffet lunch in the Main Hall, which is on the first floor, from 12.00 o'clock.我们今天12点钟在一楼大厅吃自助餐,这样大家可以相互认识一下,以此结束上午的内容。 finish off结束,完成;毁灭;吃完个which引导非限定性定语从句,修饰lunch 第二个which引导非限定性定语从句,修饰Main Hall 这句话可以按照时间、地点、时间来分析时间:12.00 o'clock 地点:Main Hall 事件:have a lunch to get to know each other

  剑桥雅思6Test4Section2答案:11、D,12、 A,13、C,14、 tax,15、 security,16、 ground floor,17、 lecture room 311,18、 Safety at Work19, Main Hall20, team leaders

剑15 雅思机考 考试费用 7分有多难 成绩查询 考场概况 评分标准 变题期口语


