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2021-06-17 10:03 北京新航道  


      剑9Test3雅思口语Part2:Describe a journey that you remember well


  In the summer of 2010, I cycled coast-to-coast across the United States of America with two of my best friends from university.

  The three of us met at the University of Liverpool, and we shared an interest in cycling. We regularly went on biking and camping trips into the Lake District at weekends if we had free time. During our final year, we decided it would be a great idea to train up and attempt to cycle across the North American continent to raise money for charity.

  The journey was far more challenging than we thought it would be. Both our mental and physical limits were put to the test as we cycled across mountains, deserts and rivers, sometimes going days without seeing any other people. We had to carry a lot of heavy equipment on our bikes, and we camped almost every night. If we were passing through a large town then we would stay in a hotel, to get a good night sleep and to have a shower! But more often than not, we would camp in the wild and wash in rivers and waterfalls.

  Our journey began in Maryland and took us west, through the country's capital city, Washington D.C., over the Appalachian mountains and the Mississippi River and onto the Kansas plains. From there we continued west over the Rocky Mountains and the deserts of Utah and Nevada. Finally, we crossed the Sierra Nevada mountain range and descended through California to San Francisco.

  Overall, we cycled 7,000 kilometres in 49 days, and raised over £4,000 for a children's cancer charity, which I think is an incredible achievement.


  share an interest 兴趣相投

  attempt to do sth. 尝试做某事

  have a shower 洗澡,淋浴

  train up 训练;培养

  raise money for charity 筹集善款

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