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2021-05-28 10:54 北京新航道  


  TUTOR:Ah Caroline ...

  come on in.

  Sit down.


  TUTOR:So how's the dissertation planning going?

  CAROLINE:Well Dr. Schulmann, I’m still having a lot of trouble deciding on a title.

  TUTOR:Well, that's perfectly normal at this stage.

  And this is what your tutorials will help you to do.


  TUTOR:What we'll do is jot down some points that might help you in your decision.

  First of all, you have chosen your general topic area, haven't you?

  CAROLINE:Yes, it's the fishing industry.

  TUTOR:Oh yes, that was one of the areas you mentioned.

  Now, what aspects of the course are you good at?


  I think I'm coping well with statistics, and I'm never bored by it.


  Anything else?

  CCAROLINE:Well, I found computer modelling fascinating - I have no problem following what's being taught, whereas quite a few of my classmates find it difficult.

  TUTOR:Well, that's very good.

  Do you think these might be areas you could bring into your dissertation?

  CAROLINE:Oh yes, if possible.

  It's just that I'm having difficulty thinking how I can do that.

  You see I feel I don't have sufficient background information.

  TUTOR:I see.

  Well, do you take notes?

  CAROLINE: I’m very weak at note-taking.

  My teachers always used to say that.

  TUTOR:Well, I think you really need to work on these weaknesses before you go any further.

  CAROLINE:What do you suggest?

  TUTOR:Well, I can go through the possible strategies with you and let you decide where to go from there.

  CAROLINE:Okay, thanks.

  TUTOR:Well, some people find it helpful to organise peer-group discussions — you know, each week a different person studies a different topic and shares it with the group.

  CAROLINE:Oh right.

  TUTOR: It really helps build confidence, you know, having to present something to others.

  CAROLINE:I can see that.

  TUTOR: The drawback is that everyone in the group seems to share the same ideas ...

  they keep being repeated in all the dissertations.


  TUTOR: You could also try a service called 'Student Support'.

  It's designed to give you a structured programme over a number of weeks to develop your skills.

  CAROLINE:Sounds good.

  TUTOR:Yes, unfortunately there are only a few places.

  But it's worth looking into.

  CAROLINE:Yes, of course.

  I know I've got to work on my study skills.

  TUTOR:And then there are several study skills books you can consult.


  TUTOR:They'll be a good source of reference but the problem is they are sometimes too general.

  CAROLINE:Yes, that's what I've found.

  TUTOR:Other than that I would strongly advise quite simple ideas like using a card index.

  CAROLINE:Well, yes, I've never done that before.

  TUTOR:It's simple, but it really works because you have to get points down in a small space.

  Another thing I always advise is don't just take your notes and forget about them.

  Read everything three times - that'll really fix them in your mind.

  CAROLINE:Yes, I can see it'd take discipline but...

  TUTOR:Well, if you establish good study skills at this stage they'll be with you all your life.

  CAROLINE:Oh yes, I completely agree.

  It’s just that I don't seem to be able to discipline myself.

  I need to talk things over.

  TUTOR:Well, we'll be continuing these tutorials of course.

  Let's arrange next month's now.

  Let's see, I can see you virtually any time during the week starting 22nd January.

  CAROLINE:What about the 24th?

  I'm free in the afternoon.


  I'm booked then.

  What about the following day?


  I can make the morning.

  TUTOR:Fine, we'll go for the 25th then.

  CAROLINE:That's great, thanks.


  Question 21

  答案:fishing industry

  定位原文:scripts: Tutor: What we'll do is jot down some points that might help you in your dissertation. First of all, you have chosen your general topic area, haven't you? Caroline: Yes, it's the fishing industry.

  解题思路:本题题干出现 topic 一词,在原文重现。之后提及 it’s the fishing industry。

  Question 22


  定位原文:scripts: Caroline: Well, I think I'm coping well with the statistics, and I'm never bored by it.

  解题思路:题干词 strength 在原文中被替换为 cope well with, 指某方面应付得了,处理得好。答案直接给出,但需要理解以上词汇及短语才能判断信息相关。

  Question 23


  定位原文:scripts: Tutor: I see. Well, do you take notes? Caroline: I'm very weak at note-taking. My teachers always used to say that.

  解题思路:题干中的 weakness 为名词,原文出现 I’m very weak at note-taking。 be weak at 意为“不擅长”。

  Question 24


  定位原文:scripts: Tutor: It really helps build confidence, you know, having to present something to others.

  解题思路:迅速扫描已知信息后判断本题信息应该是关于 peer group discussion 的好处的。原文提及 peer group 可以进行定位,然后通过 helpful 一词可判断 confidence 指参加此类活动的积极影响。

  Question 25


  定位原文:scripts: Tutor: The drawback is that everyone in the group seems to share the same ideas. They keep being repeated in all the dissertations.

  解题思路:本题在原文中的答案与第 24 题的答案距离近,需要对词汇很熟悉才能迅速作出反应。原文中的 drawback 替换题干中的 problem,题干与原文均出现了 the same,之后立即给出 idea 一词,本题较容易。

  Question 26

  答案:student support

  定位原文:scripts: Tutor: You could also try a service called "Student Support". It's designed to give you a structured programme over a number of weeks to develop your skills.

  解题思路:本题题干及原文均出现 service 一词,定位直接,无混淆信息。

  Question 27


  定位原文:scripts: Tutor: Yes, unfortunately there are only a few places. But it's worth looking into.

  解题思路:本题需要理解 unfortunately 一词指不好的方面,对应题干中的 problems;紧接着提及 only a few places (名额有限)。

  Question 28


  定位原文:scripts: Tutor: They'll be a good source of reference but the problem is they are sometimes too general. Caroline: Yes, that's what I've found.

  解题思路:此空左边单元格已知信息 reference 在原文重现,定位较为直接。且原文直接说明 the problem is,未进行 任何替换,too 之后的信息为答案。

  Question 29

  答案:3 times

  定位原文:scripts: Tutor: It's simple, but it really works because you have to get points down in a small space. Another thing I always advise is don't just take your notes and forget about them. Read everything three times. That'll really fix them in your mind.

  解题思路:本题在读题时应该进行完善的预测。Read all notes 空格处所需词性可能为副词或时间状语等。否则较难在原文中找出对应信息。

  Question 30


  定位原文:scripts: Tutor: Well, we'll be continuing these tutorials of course. Let's arrange next month's now. Let's see, I can see you virtually any time during the week starting 22nd January. Caroline: What about the 24th? I'm free in the afternoon. Tutor: Sorry, I'm booked then. What about the following day? Caroline: Thursday? I can make the morning. Tutor: Fine, we'll go for the 25th then. Caroline: That's great, thanks.


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