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2021-05-19 10:14 北京新航道  

  Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

  这个题目是近几年出现过的考题,属于pros and cons的辩论型题。具体而言,题目的要求Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages属于传统的对某一观点或做法的利弊发表看法并进行论证的形式。此外,考生需要注意题干中的rather than,此短语通常代表态度出现倾向性。


  Most parents and teachers believe that kids should start language learning in their middleschools. However, some elementary schools also provide foreign language learning as a test in educational field. Obviously, it contains positive as well as negative influence. Lingual skills from primary education are always based on the great interests kid's obtained in expressing their feelings. The strong motivation helps students acquire language with ease and fun, and then their unshaped mother language will also remove the barrier between one language and another. More importantly, without exerted pressing stress from tests and exams, students may devote themselves to language itself but nothing else

  However, the primary education for language learning is not as perfect as it sounds. The overly flexible timetable for language learning will never ensure that children have mastered some key features of lingual skills. Compared with that, secondary school will supply more professional lessons with accurate teaching from which children can benefit a lot. However, if so, this activity will entirely ruin the interests of language learning for kids, which shift their flexible foreign language interests into the forced and test-oriented study all the time. Thus, this should never be put into practice for a better result until secondary schools. Obviously, primary school should also make some revolutionary changes for a better lingual atmosphere to cater to kids' interests.

  In sum, all the contributions made to optimize language learning will benefit both individuals as well as the community, culturally and traditionally, so the adjustments in primary education will be the key to solve this educational problem.


  此范文根据题目的要求相应地分为四段: 第 一段介绍题目背景并表明两个立场(Positions);






  第 一段

  Elementary 基本的,初级的

  Obviously 明显地,显而易见地

  Positive 积极的

  Negative 消极的


  Motivation 动机;积极性;推动

  Acquire 习得;获得;得到

  Devote…to 投身于

  Unshaped 不成体系的;不成型的


  Flexible 灵活的

  Timetable 时间表

  Test-oriented 以考试为目的的,应试教育的

  Revolutionary 变革的,革命的


  Optimize 优化,最 大化

  Adjustment 调整,调节,调节器


  1. Lingual skills from primary education are always based on the great interests kid's obtained in expressing their feelings.


  2.However, if so, this activity will entirely nun the interests of language learning for kids. which shift their flexible foreign language interests into the forced and test-oriented study all the time.


剑15 雅思机考 考试费用 7分有多难 成绩查询 考场概况 评分标准 变题期口语


